February 4, 2009

Hello everyone.
My name is Chris and I live in Austin, Texas. I have already broken etiquette by posting elsewhere before an intro, so I figure I had better redeem myself.
Anyway, like many here (I suspect), I owned a Dan Wesson 715 many years ago and sold it to my father in law. Since me and the in-laws don't get along, I know it is gone forever. I purchased it from a friend back in the mid 80's for $100- it had a lead spitting issue. Needless to say, it was a great revolver once the barrel gap was set properly. I have regretted selling it ever since and finally got back into the loop by recently having purchased a couple Dans. I abandoned revolvers and pistols for BR rifles quite some time ago and it showed the last time out to the range with a revolver- I have got to fix this.
So, I hope to become a productive and contributing member to the forums. I have already found a member who is local and hope to meet/get to know more of you.
Happy shooting everyone and be safe.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Chris- Welcome to DWF, and don't worry too much about where your first posts went. You haven't really broken etiquette, we're glad to have you and know more about you. You will find this a pretty easy going and non-confrontational place.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

February 4, 2009

Thanks guys. I'm happy to be here.
Dusty- we should definitely hit Red's sometime.
Have you ever been to Eagle Peak in Leander? I've been trying to get out there a while, but would rather have someone to go with. The wife has a Sig 226 but she never wants to go shoot w/ me at Red's because she doesn't like to rush. We can have a full day of entertainment at Eagle Peak for what 1 hour would cost at Red's.
Besides, I've been itching to get on the 300 yard rifle range- not much challenge to 100 yards these days.

December 17, 2008

Yes, I have a card at Eagle Peak. It's pretty good and a good deal - a bit of a drive, but not bad. And as you say, 100 yds. get's a little old.
Generally lots of folks out there, but it makes for some good conversations and comparisons particularly if you are not in a rush. Great if you're going to tinker.
--->Another thought is a yearly / family memebership at Red's. Painful up front, but then stay as long as you like and just pay for .50 cent targets...
Next time I'm headed for Red's I'll shoot you a PM in advance.
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