May 13, 2009

I was surfing the web in search of current info. that would help me get an idea of where I should start an auction for my DW 445 Super Mag when I hit on your site. It looks as though it must be the right place. I'm 59 and I ordered my DW new around March of 1994. I know this because I have the Envelope and contents of the order info. pac sent to me by Wesson Firearms Co. Inc. and a parts list page. I ordered the G7445-VH6C-NF which is ; a complete Gun - stainless - in 445 chamber - with Ventilated rib - Heavy barrel - Compensated - Non Fluted cylinder. The non fluted cylinder was a free option only mentioned in a note on the front of the order book. I have the original receipt for this weapon also. I am selling this to help fund the purchase of a Serbu 50 bmg.


January 24, 2009

Any relation to Dagwood?
Sounds like a great looking gun, do you have any you could show us? I would think the value would be somewhere between $600 & 900 if you were to put a for sale ad on a forum like ours. If you go the auction route, it's possible it could go higher, but you never know.
One question I have is...does your serial number go 445 SG~~~ ? (~ being numbers) Just curious. Again, welcome aboard & we'd love to see some pics.

December 17, 2008

Blondi - welcome to the DWF
You are definately in the right place to sell or get help on selling that Supermag.
Very likely one of our members will be interested.
Price and pictures would help - check the FAQS column on the right hand side of the forum for instructions on posting pictures.
It sounds like a beauty!! Good luck!
Edit: unless you're looking for help on that price, then just pictures will help...

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May 13, 2009

Either John Taffin or Dean Grinnell sent me their load data printed off their cronograph. My order sheet and 1 - 1/8 5 shot group with a flyer. Round to the left was not part of string
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January 24, 2009

Nice work on the pics & great looking SuperMag!
Well, I would say that with all the stuff in the pics & the nice condition of the gun, you could probably get into the $1,200-1,400 range on GB without much problem. Maybe if you're trying for as much as the market will bear, set your reserve at $2K & see what it bids up to, then adjust accordingly the next go-round.
Out of curiosity, which larger cannon are you going for...X frame Smith? Freedom Arms?

May 13, 2009

My hunting partner bought a beautiful Serbu 50 BMG and a couple of weeks later ran into a Steyer 460 that he got smitten with . He can't keep these two girls happy so I said I'd take the ugly one . I don't have the funds to just buy the Serbu so I'm selling 3 weapons . I have a Heckler & Koch HK 300 22 mag. on GB right now , getting ready to put up this DW 445 and I will be selling a AR 15 pistol in 6 PPC stainless Ultra Match with green hardware towards deer season as it is legal as a pistol in the slug gun and pistol region of Minnesota . I never got to take live game with this weapon but I did turn a plaster bunny into talcum pouder with it last fall . It's hard to beleive a handgun can turn in that kind of group with open sights . Just a beautiful piece of design and workmanship .


January 24, 2009

Duh for me, you even said you were buying the Serbu in your first post. I guess I was too busy trying to process exactly what this DW would look like & never made it to the bottom line of your post. I mean...
Those Serbu's are a pretty substantial gun! Last time I picked up one of those, I remember thinking I'd need a hand cart to haul it around with. Looks like fun, though.
Well, good luck with your DW auction. That's a beauty of a gun & I know couldn't sell it, if it was mine.
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