September 8, 2011

Hi , Just found this site I just picked up a New to me Dan wesson .357 and was trying to figure out what model , year it is because info on the web is scarce for this gun i've found. not only that but no one seems to know about dan wesson arms except a small number of folks who seem to argue its one of the best out there even as unknown as it is. so thats primarily why im here. Also I'm awaiting my CCP in the mail any day now but not sure if Ill carry the dan it's a 4" barrel and prints like a 105mm howitzer. welp thats it folks
" Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch , Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote " - Ben Franklin

June 25, 2011

Welcome from AZ. I recently got my first DW 357 and other members of the forum have been helpful with identifying and educating regarding all things Dan Wesson. But, you'll get a lot more help, I've found, if you post pics. You know what they say once you've seen one DW... you want to see them all!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Welcome to this place, yip pics will help alot, also any info from the side of the Dan. Look around on here tons of great info and we will do all we can help! Oh btw you can always find a 2.5" BA for this (unless it is a Palmer fixed barrel) to add to concealness.
Add some pics, info on the how to and what for!

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009


January 24, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

March 15, 2011

Welcome, fellow Floridian (well, I am a resident of FL but currently holed in in NVA with the Feds). Hopefully, I'll join you in getting an FLCCP but in the meanwhile, I am having a blast also getting to know my DW's. As you are probably guessing, you'll be infected with DWS and the more you review this great forum, the more you'll appreciate each passing post and tidbit of information that comes across these pages. Good luck and hopefully, we'll meet up at some Florida range one day when at least one of us will say, "Hey, I like your Dan Wesson, I just happen to have my own right here!" DW41F.
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