

Dans Club
February 22, 2009

February 16, 2016

to the
from Central Florida !
That looks like a Model 14, which is a Service (carry) style revolver with non-adjustable rear sight, so a word of caution regarding the front sight height of any other shrouds you purchase. The front sight heights between Service models and Target models are different, so take that into consideration. Also, fitting a new style shroud to a porkchop frame requires an adapter to be compatible. Ask questions, we can help.

August 20, 2019

That's a nice looking pork chop DW you've got there. I had to give it a second look before I realized the reason it looked so good to me was it's fixed sight (service) instead of that big rear sight. I Looks like your dad took good care of it. Guns handed down from family are special guns. I've got a few that will be passed on to family like they were to me. Hopefully the next generation will appreciate them as much as I do.

DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018

From Marion County here. To elaborate on Stinger's caution about front sight height it gets more complicated. The fixed sight models 11 and 14 had a different rear sight than the unofficial 14-1 you have. Yours is a cut in the frame and lower than the other two. The front sight on your shrouds is correspondingly lower. The same dynamic is in play with the adjustable sight models 12 and 15 versus 15-1. It gets very confusing and difficult to tell which is which when bidding on eBay. Probably best to buy a complete pistol pack of each model.

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

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