February 6, 2013

Just registered into this fine forum. I live near Biarritz in the south-western area of France. I have been a cap and ball revolvers collector and shooter for years and, more recently, a modern handguns shooter. As you may know, gun laws in France are much more restrictive than in the States and it took me some time to obtain the necessary authorizations to own handguns. Right now, I am the happy owner of two Kimbers (stainless target II, one in .45 ACP and the other in .22), a CZ 75B stainless in 9mm, a S&W 686 "Rappy" in .357 Mag. and, last but not least, a Dan Wesson 715 "pistol pack" also in .357 Mag., with 8"-6"-4"-2" barrels. It would be hard to decide which one is my favourite but the DW would certainly be first in the "revolver" class. (I am not a big fan of automatics, but I must admit to being fallen in love with the Kimber .45...)
Is this the place for photos? Well, here they are, anyway:
Enough said. Going to lurk through the forum. Glad to be one of yours, guys!
My idea of gun control is using both hands.

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

Welcome to the forum! I would say you have built a nice collection that would be the envy of many here in the USA. Your 686 is interesting, I have not seen a barrel shape like yours. Love the CZ75 also.
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"

February 6, 2013

Thanks, Lonwolf. The 686 (from what I was told) was a limited edition; it looks a bit like the 627 model but it is actually a 686. It has a 5" barrel with flats on the sides.
All those guns came with rubber grips but I ordered the ivory-like grips from Grips4guns.
The CZ 75 is my latest purchase. It's a good all around gun, will accept almost any kind of ammo, is very strong and fits my hand very well. Not very expensive, either. Not a bad choice.
My idea of gun control is using both hands.

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

Welcome and thanks for the . I had a CZ75 years ago when they were very hard to come by in the States (think cold war). It was a very strong runner and loads of fun to shoot. That's a really nice looking Dan. You were lucky to get it with four barrels.
To the paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers:
if you find one...what's your plan?


January 24, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to DWF! Guys like you and I, who love Stainless guns, are sometimes referred to here as CRA's (Corrosion Resistant Aficionados), frankly, I'm easily amused by bright, shiny objects.
Very nice collection, and I fear that the US is headed more in that direction of being very challenged in gun ownership.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

February 6, 2013

February 6, 2013



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

June 29, 2012

As a former neighbor in a previous life, allow me to say some welcome words in French.
Bienvenue sur le forum et compliments pour cette magnifique collection, je suis bien placé pour savoir que c'est loin d’être simple. J' habitais Mouguerre...avant.
All the little tricks and more you have ever dream to discover about your Dan Wesson are somewhere on this forum, looking around or ask a question, there is always someone with the right answer, amazing!

February 6, 2013

Salut, Lohr64! (Je suppose que le "64" de ton pseudo a une signification bien précise, non?)
Man, it's a small world indeed... Were you a real Basque in this "previous life"? Your perfect French leads me to think "yes". At least you were french, weren't you? Please, inquiring minds want to know!
As for me, I was not always a Guéthary resident. I lived in Paris in a "previous life"... But my parents owned a house over here where we used to spend every holyday. In 1986, I decided that I had had enough of Paris and I swapped a very steady job in an insurance company for a new life as a carpenter and surfboards shaper... I have been at it ever since.
I had been lurking through this forum for a long time, even before I was lucky to purchase my DW, and I already learnt a lot. But you never learn enough...
Any plans of a return trip to France? I would be glad to meet you and share a few shooting sessions at our range in Ciboure.
Again, thanks to you all for the welcome!
My idea of gun control is using both hands.
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