April 13, 2012

Hello, everyone, name is Geo, as in George.
"This is me.....Born in WWII, grew up in NJ, dad worked in US Arsenal. Started shooting at ten. Shot the barrels out the 1911 with tons of arsenal loads, including tracers. Hunted, won the local men's trap trophy at 18, went to Navy for two years, then college. Moved to Big Apple. Carried and possessed there til it got "illegal". Since moved to PA, and can open carry. Live in the woods. Just got a DW W12. Always heard they were good, and this one is, for sure. Found this site in search of a few answers." Geo
I joined up because I just acquired a Dan Wesson W12. It is a very nice, well cared for, minty little thing. I have one big question about it, and think some of you here will be able to clue me in.
The question is.....is it possible that a W12 might have a fixed barrel? It appears to have an external barrel nut, but upon examining where the nut meets the muzzle, there appears to be no seam or break from what looks like a nut and the barrel.
I bought this gun from a dealer, who is not an old timer, and when I said I thought that Dan Wessons have interchangeable barrels, he said he thought so too, but that apparently some were made with fixed barrels.
I read that some were fixed barrels, but they were not 12's Mine has the Model W12 on the frame.
If no one here ever heard of a fixed barrel W12, then I obviously need to get out a strong magnifier, and look harder, and get a barrel tool, and see if the apparent external nut does in fact turn. I am reluctant to mangle it up if it was made to never turn.
Hey, if somebody thinks this should be on another part of the forum let me know.
Thanks, Geo

February 29, 2012

A picture or two would probably really help the folks here to identify your Dan Wesson, and to answer your questions. That is assuming that you are able to post them. Either way, I am sure that the experts will be along shortly here with some suggestions for you.
- Bullwolf

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April 13, 2012

Thank y'all. I am currently in New York Sh***y. So I can't take the pics…but when I go back upstate, and cross over into PA, I will take some pics, and take a socket to it. If it does come apart I will be amazed. I have never seen anything that tight looking. And I have taken apart a lot of things, and machined parts to put new things together in my time.
Will keep you posted, but it could be some days….
Had to do a small edit-Steve

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January 24, 2009

I'm a little late here, I apologize. If your barrel nut looks like the one Dave posted, it should be simple to remove with a 5/8 12-point wrench or socket, as Shoot suggested.
Make sure to not over torque during reassembly, a wrench will allow a lot more leverage than the original DW tool will.
The dealer you spoke to was right, there were some fixed barrel Porkchops made that used a smooth barrel nut. I believe the nut is removable, but not without ruining it in the process...effectively making the gun a "fixed barrel".
So far I have only seen these on a D11 model, but it's not impossible that there were some W12's made also. Unfortunately, because the barrel is not removable, neither is the crane, since the barrel shroud also holds the crane in place. So which type do you have?
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