I am glad to see there are still people out there that love the Quality gun I worked for Dan Wesson from 1997-2003 when it was in Norwich Ny, I was the bluer for them and now have a business bluing here in Va so if any of you out there need your Dans Reblued I am the man to talk to, look forwrad to talking, Hotbluer

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009


January 24, 2009

Yes I am the man that post rebluing on those sites and you can also check me out at http://www.blueridgebluing.com
I have some pics of after not alot of befores since it is so time consuming to take pictures, if you e-mail me and request some pics I can send you some, and if you bought any of the Dans between 1997 and 2003 that were blued I did them,

February 4, 2009

Hello Mark. Welcome to the forums.
I purchased a DW recently that could have used your attention. Unfortunately, that deal had to be rejected. I do have a lead on a Model 15 VH8 that could definitely use some attention, but I haven't made a firm decision to purchase that one yet.
Should I make this purchase in the next few weeks, what type of turn around time would I be looking at? I realize that business can change without warning, but a guesstimate would be helpful.
Hello Wayne, To give you a quick education on Hot Bluing here it is
I take the gun totally apart and polish out to bright metal all the external parts and then they are wiped down to remove all the wax or any oils, then they go into a 4 tank sytem one is a cleaner boiling and that removes any of the grease or buffing compound, Then they go into a warm water rinse and then into the Hot Salts that are boiming at 290 degrees, they are in the salts for 15 minutes and then into another warm water rinse and then into a cold water rinse, then onto a oil bath, After all of that the parts are wiped down and I reasemble the guns,, Sounds like fun right? Well I do enjoy the fact that I get to work on all kinds of different guns,
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