Dans Club
May 17, 2009

I just joined the Forum today and look forward to interesting discussion and learning what I can about a great heritage in the firearm arena. I was so impressed with the history of the DW guns I decided to start a collection as I can afford to do so. So far I have a 15-2 V and about to receive a 44 HV.

April 25, 2008

jaggman! Glad you found our site. There are a lot of good folks here with tons of information to share. We also like pics, so when you get around to it, post a couple of your Wessons. What are the barrel lengths on them? Do you hunt with them, shoot paper, silhouette?
The Savantist

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

to the forum. Hope you enjoy all the information we have here and share any you may have for the good of all. Glad to see another PA member. We'll soon be able to start our own local chapter. If you have read many of the topics by now you'll know to that we need to see
quite often, it is one of our needs here.
Glad you joined.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008


January 24, 2009

December 17, 2008

Jaggman, to the DWF - very glad to have you as a member.
It appears that the Pennsylvania contingent is rapidly expanding...
We have a large amount of information here on the website, so cruise the archive section - manuals, brochures w/lots of pictures, some great magazine ariticles.
We are going to really enjoy watching (& helping) you expand that DW Collection! Time to start thinking about a Pistol Pac...or two!! One blue, one stainless...yeah, that would be a nice next step...

Dans Club
May 17, 2009

Charger Fan said:
Howdy &
Sounds like you've got yourself a good start to a collection. Let us know what you think of the .44 when you get it. It's a much larger gun than the .357
I finally shot the 44 Mag and yes it is LARGER. It really felt good and ACCURATE, WOW! Now I need to reload and shoot more.


January 24, 2009

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