September 6, 2011

Been a DW owner for years, had a model 14 snubbie that was really cherry.
A friend fell in love with it and offered a Kimber 1911 in trade, and I traded him. I hope to get a 15-2 pistol pack soon, and thought I might as well join the forum. Grew up on a farm and been shooting .22's and up since I was 12, back in the 60's. Also like to spend time riding my Harley. In the middle of a divorce right now, so far it hasn't got nasty, so I'm relieved about that.
I enjoy target shooting, and plinking and used to hunt pheasant, but I don't get out much anymore. My son recently moved out on his own, and I gave him one of my .357's, and my friend got the other, and I got to missing having a .357 handgun. I spend time on a farm and we get some pretty aggresive feral dogs coming around once in awhile. Had 2 rottweilers, and 2 St. Bernards, come up growling, so I like to have a side arm handy when I'm out mowing or whatever. I prefer the 357 for that purpose, plus it makes salesmen nervous, LOL.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

December 26, 2010

from another Kansan. Sucks on the divorce. Been there, done that, don't wish it on anyone. Good luck with it.
Giving your boy a gun is really cool. I bet he loves it. I gave my first 22, an H&R, to the one of my boys who really appreciates it. (I've got other guns for the other boys. Time just isn't right for them yet.)
We love pics, so please post some when you find what you're looking for.


January 24, 2009

TheTman said:
Grew up on a farm and been shooting .22's and up since I was 12, back in the 60's.
Sounds like me, albeit a decade later. I started plinkin' a .22 SA pump rifle when I was 9, birthday 1973. One day in 1976, from the house rooftop, I had ventilated my Dad's new 55 gallon steel water storage drum with an ammo box...about 100 holes. That ended my "sniper career" & my gun was taken away.
The next year, he actually thanked me. He had hacked the top off & made the drum a garbage incinerator. Apparently all those oxygen holes in the drum made it great for burning garbage...the oxygen got in there below & made the garbage burn twice as fast as other previous drums.
I asked if he needed another one fixed up, the answer...an immediate NO!! LOL!
Anyhoo, welcome to the

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Welcome from a fellow Kansasn! Now you have to becareful as you have 2 posting in one day and have already purchased a DWA, Pac none the less. At this rate you will have to add one or two DW's for every 3rd to 4th post!
Ah any way Welcome and maybe we will cross paths at one the Gun Shows around the ict area.
Did some plinking back in the 60's myself though didn't sniper much ( at least that i remember)!
Enjoy and look around!

September 6, 2011

Thanks for the warm welcome. Actually I am looking for a "knockaround" .357 for use out at my farmhouse. I open carry a lot on the farm due to the feral dogs and skunks and stuff that roam around. So may end up with another DW that's kind of a beater so I don't cry if I drop it or scratch it up. The pistol pack gun looks too nice for me to carry around all the time. That was kind of a divorce present to myself. I was able to do all the paperwork myself and avoid expensive lawyers, so bought myself a little present before my funds get tied up. Got the papers filed today so I'll be free in 60 some days. If I can pick up a DW that's a little on the rough side, I'll probably grab it. There should be a gun show coming up fairly soon, so might find something there. Like to find a face to face deal on a used one. The friend I gave the model 14 too is really liking it so glad I was able to make his day, and I'm happy with the Kimber, always have liked my 1911's. I like the .357 better for carrying around on the farm for varmints and such.

September 6, 2011

Well, I ended up buying another DW, model 14 2 with 6 inch barrel from one the auction sites. This ones a little more suitable for daily use. That pistol pack is for special occasions. I need something to pack when I'm out on the farm, and was looking at some Tauruses, and different things, but thought I'd snag that DW while it was there. I'm sure I'll like it better than any Taurus. Even if you can get them with 7 or 8 shots. And was a lot more inexpensive than anything from S&W I'd seen lately, and I like them better than S&W. Well thats 2 guns in 2 weeks, but I think my buying spree is over. Bank says it is anyway.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

September 6, 2011

To me these were some of the finest pistols ever made, and I wanted to get a couple while they're still available. Now I have a safe queen and an everyday shooter, so that will probably end my buying spree. The pistol pack was a gift to myself for getting divorced and before she took half my money, and the Model 14 will be for open carry out on the farm for wild dogs n varmits. Of course if I see one at a gun show or something, I'll probably try to bargain for it.
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