November 9, 2013

I was also excited to learn about the barrel/shroud interchangeability. Not so excited to learn that the Pork Chop barrels and shrouds are very hard to come by. One would think that in this day and age of CAD/CNC getting cheaper and cheaper that maybe there'd be more options, and maybe I'll learn that's the case.
Anyway, my first order of business with her is to remove the grips and soak in penetrating oil for a good while, and purchase a barrel removal tool.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Welcome to the forum. Make your way over to the Reloading, Gunsmithing and Grip Making thread and you'll find lots of help with reviving the ol' porkchop! If you don't find what you need, just ask a question.
Best Regards, Ron
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

Welcome to the forum from PA. Lots of great info here.
I strongly urge you to purchase a barrel wrench from EWK Arms, see ad on the right side of this screen. He makes a great wrench that is much improved from the originals.
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

Welcome! It may never be a safe queen but probably will be a great shooter. Is there an extra X in that serial #? Check the serial number registry on the right margin. Ebay is probably your best bet for barrels or someone on the forum. True that there are not nearly the number of porkchops as 15-2's but prices seem to me to be lower. You have to check ebay often.

November 9, 2013

Ole Dog said
Welcome! It may never be a safe queen but probably will be a great shooter. Is there an extra X in that serial #? Check the serial number registry on the right margin. Ebay is probably your best bet for barrels or someone on the forum. True that there are not nearly the number of porkchops as 15-2's but prices seem to me to be lower. You have to check ebay often.
Yep...one too many digits. It's a 5-digit serial # and I just corrected the original post.
Will be ordering my EWK Arms barrel wrench and feeler gauge shortly.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008


January 24, 2009

Judging from the rust on the outside of the gun (presumably from many years of humid beachfront storage), the barrel & nut may not want to give up without a fight.
Hope I'm wrong.
Also, it's a little hard to tell from your pics, but from what I can make out, your gun has this type of rear fixed sight?
If so, you have a 14-1 model. Plus, the yellow insert in your front sight was a custom piece added sometime after the gun was originally manufactured.
aboard, glad to have you here!

November 9, 2013

Thank you! Yes, it has that type of rear sight so it sounds like Model 14-1 it is!
I'm going to soak it in some PB Blaster for a long while, so I'm hoping that will persuade the barrel and nut to go easy with me. I have already ordered the barrel wrench from EWK, and will also order their Small Parts Kit. I think EWK may be interested in doing a run of pork chop shrouds if enough interested parties would commit. I think the magic number would be 36 shrouds, or 12 shrouds in three different sizes. Cost would be more than the shrouds he currently makes. Since I have zero experience in the DW world, do you think there would be a demand? Or does it not make economic sense with this model or in the eyes of the pork chop owners and I'd better off sticking w/EBay as others suggest?
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