July 22, 2015

Howdy, this isn't my first post but ill go ahead and post here for the heck of it. Really nice forum by the way.
I currently only own one Dan Wesson, its a model 744 VH with a 10in barrel and a 6in barrel. The gun was handed down to me by my grandpa who bought it new a long time ago. The only thing that is missing is the wood grip, supposedly the dog got ahold of it.
Not much else to say really, I'm a big Smith and Wesson revolver fan and I'm really liking the Dan so far. I shoot Glocks almost exclusively in the semi auto world and I roll all my own ammo. I will include a picture of the DW.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Dans Club
April 18, 2014

Welcome to DWF Sam.. Glad to have you aboard.
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

DWF Supporters
April 9, 2015

Welcome to the DWF, I also have a 10" 44 Mag, but mine is blued and it is a blast to shoot. I have sold some nice Smith and Wesson revolvers so I could get more DW revolvers.
“We cannot but pity the boy who has never fired a gun; he is no more
humane, while his education has been sadly neglected.”
-Henry David Thoreau
“When some of my friends have asked me anxiously about their boys, whether
they should let them hunt, I have answered, yes – remembering that it was
one of the best parts of my education – *make* them hunters.”
-Henry David Thoreau

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

July 22, 2015

Thanks all, and to snake-eye most of my magnum loads are loaded with a coated hard cast (Bayou Bullets) 240gr Keith type wadcutter on top of 24.5 grains of Alliant 300-MP. Out of the 10 in barrel they chrono around 1460ish FPS and 1330 FPS out of the 6in barrel. 44 specials are loaded with a 180gr hard cast bullet over 7.0 grains of Hodgdon HS-6 and they come in around 750 FPS.

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

January 22, 2008

A belated welcome from South Carolina, and nice Dan!
…he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36 Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project http://www.irenasendler.com/
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