February 12, 2013

Just joined your forum, last June I was in the market for a 1911 pistol. I did alot of , reading all the reviews I could find and narrowed my selection down to four or five brands and models. Went to my local gun shop that had about 200 ( 1911 pistols ) in stock. I was all set to purchase and STI 1911, or a Kimber. I was trying to make up my mind which one to purchase, then out of the corner of my eye I saw a Dan Wessen 9mm Guardian in the gun case. I asked the salesman if I could hold it, and as soon as I pulled the slide back I was sold. I just love that pistol. So because of that Dan Wesson, now I stopped at one of our other small local gun shops this past Saturday and saw a nice used Dan Wesson Model 15-2 in the gun case. Once I held that gun, I know I had to have it. I put $200.00 down, filled out the paper work, and am going back this Friday to pick it up. Can't wait. I think I have a case of Dan Wesson Fever ?
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