November 25, 2017

I'm glad to have found this forum, and I've gotten some good info from it as well as from various parts sellers and Youtube armorer videos.
Around 30 years ago, I stopped in a gun store, looking to get rid of my Berreta Boat Anchor (Bobcat .22lr). I ended up trading straight across for a DW 22V with 8" barrel. After a short time at the range, I discovered I couldn't eject the empties without excessive force. So I stuffed it in the safe, and that's where it sat till recently. It also had some blueing and scratching issues as well as a latch spring screw that was broken off...INSIDE the latch. I decided to either repair it or sell it for parts.
So I stripped it down 100% and found the parts I need on-line. Buffed the shroud like a mirror and re-blued, repaired the latch, and cleaned it all spotless, but I had to fix the stuck cases issue. The insides of the chambers are really fouled up and scored, as if some budding backyard hack had tried to ream them. Fresh ammo slides right in, but it is really hard to extract after firing. My possible solution will be to polish the chambers with a special order Flex Hone in 400 grit. I see I'm not alone here with this problem, and I'll post the results in the current thread I see in the forum.
Stu O

Dans Club
February 24, 2013



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

November 25, 2017

KurtB said
Welcome aboard, look forward to your results!
Okay Kurt. Here are my results...so far. I purchased a .22LR chamber flex hone from Brush Research. 400 grit silicon carbide. Using it by instructions, it was pretty well worn out after the 6th chamber, but it did get the chambers smooth at both ends - the center third still had grooves, but their edges were chamfered and blended somewhat. I decided to leave it there and try it.
I had Winchester SuperX 36 grain and Federal Match 40 grain, and I fired 10 cylinders full of each, alternating ammo after each 5 cylinders. So, 120 total rounds fired. The SuperX empties ejected smoothly with moderate pressure on the ejection rod. The Federal empties dropped out with only a light touch on the rod. Ejection force stayed pretty much unchanged for each brand for the entire test. I'll test several other brands and styles, but I'm really happy with the Federal ammo in it right now.
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