December 26, 2013

hello everyone, i'm new to this forum and dan wesson revolvers in general, although i have seen a few and known of them since they've been out, this is the first time i have had a chance to own one, i picked up a DW44 monson from a co worker for $450 6" barrel no wrench or setting gauge, it has original grips, pachmayr grips and an uncle mikes shoulder rig and a box of swc 240 gr. (-6) ammo included with price i did order a barrel wrench setting gauge and barrel nut from ewk arms ($44.90 shipped) there is some case wear on the barrel and the round hump on the front site and a slight cylinder ring, other than that it looks like it was shot very little, i did have a heck of a time getting the barrel nut out and the shroud off, the previous owner bought it used and never took it apart and had shot 6 rds out of it in the last 15 years, i think i paid a fair price for it less than $500 for a 44mag.! cant wait for the new indoor range to open, this will determine if i keep it or sell for profit? leaning towards keeping it right now

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Welcome to the place that is all about Dan Wesson's. Sounds like you landed a nice one so you had better beware as DWAS will set in and then all is lost. Judging from your handle and location you must do some upland birding. Would love to hear some stories and of course we always love pictures.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

December 26, 2013

bird hunting was horrible this past year, pheasant count was down by 65% statewide 3-4 bad winters and springs in a row, and this winter i'm afraid they ain't gonna fair much better, if we get a warm spring it might be better this fall? i will up load a picture of the DW44 when i get a good usb cable
Welcome to the forum. Seems like you've done some homework. Soon folks will cry for pictures. Now, clean and oil the barrel and frame threads. Screw them in further then you need to further clean out those rusted threads and then back out and set the gap. I prefer to set it closer than .006 as long as the cylinder face is perpendicular. Especially on the .44 as there is a lot of powder and flame flying. You got a great price for a great gun. The box of cartridges cost some bucks. Try some .44 special rounds. They help you get a feel for the gun and extend the enjoyment at the range. Shooting a lot of .44 mag can tire you out. Make sure you follow .44 special with some mahs to keep a ring of residue from building in the cylinders.
Sell! lol. This is just the start of DWAS . Soon you will want all the barrels and then a stainless.

December 26, 2013

thanks, there are a few nicks and scratches here and there, i figure its an early to mid 80's era? s/n 00582x, elevation screw is to the rear of sight, i just couldn't pass it up, i did think that $450 was a bit steep but i let my want get in the way of haggling, +side i got a box of ammo and that is almost $50 now

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

January 22, 2008

Welcome form the southeast (SC). A DW44 or super-mag is on my want list this year. Prob will be a 44 due to costs.
…he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36 Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project http://www.irenasendler.com/
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