March 15, 2011

I am a former owned of a nice DW 357 in the very late 80's, and an admirer of these beautiful pistols ever since they came out .
I don't own one now, but I am now seeking to buy a DW 44mag .
I settled on getting another DW in cal 44mag for obvious reasons the DW is s-w-e-e-t, but also because Garrett Cartridge Co make SUPER +P heavy grain ultra hard cast flat nose 44mag ammo superseding the 500 S&W as a big bear defense round.
I am not a silhouette shooter, just an active avid hunter and a part time re-loader.
These are the most beautiful revolvers I know of, when I look at other nice guns that I admire such as the S&W model 29 , a Custom 1911, or a fancy Ruger flat top those three still take 3rd place to the aesthetic of a DW.
You will find me more than likely posting a "Wanted To Buy" here if it is allowed on this forum.

Range Officer

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Dans Club
February 28, 2009

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November 17, 2008

March 15, 2011

pops2 said:
If you want it or want to know anything about Dan Wessons then you came to the right place. I'm from the other end of oregon so welcome and good luck. there is a show coming up in Roseberg I think in May so give it a shot.
Hi Pop's, I was at a GS in Grants Pass and met a guy who specializes in DW revolvers last year and I lost his business card

March 15, 2011

zoommb said:
Welcome to the DWF.
Keep an eye on gunbroker.com and other auction sites. You will frequently find 44/744's there.
Hi Mike,
I joined gun broker and they won't let me log on , they say my membership is 'suspicious', not to mention they take dues from me
They wont answer my polite inquiries , so I gave up on GB and have registered with AuctionArms and GunsAmerica , both of them don't have as my DW's for sale but it's better than nothing, Mike, lol.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

SteveInOregon said:
Hi Mike,
I joined gun broker and they won't let me log on
, they say my membership is 'suspicious', not to mention they take dues from me
They wont answer my polite inquiries , so I gave up on GB and have registered with AuctionArms and GunsAmerica , both of them don't have as my DW's for sale but it's better than nothing, Mike, lol.
That is Odd Idon't pay dues to GB unless I sell something. Something sounds fishy with that.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

The email problem may be with the type of email, I think they are a little selective regarding some types of email accounts (gmail, .biz, etc). No idea if yours is like that, but I agree, they have never wanted a fee for the buyer that I know of.
Those grips you like so much are the ones he (lbruce) makes.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

SteveInOregon said:
I joined gun broker and they won't let me log on
, they say my membership is 'suspicious', not to mention they take dues from me
They wont answer my polite inquiries , so I gave up on GB and have registered with AuctionArms and GunsAmerica , both of them don't have as my DW's for sale but it's better than nothing, Mike, lol.
Sorry to hear you're having trouble with GB, Steve. They don't flag "gmail" email addresses, because mine is one. I don't know about the others mentioned. I do agree that they are very difficult to contact if you have a problem. They are a bit arrogant too. I had a usage question related to one of their responses to me (yes, I actually got one). Their instructions were essentially impossible to follow. I eventually figured out the correct path, but they didn't even respond, essentially saving (from my point of view) "it's there, figure it out yourself".
Hope you find your 44.
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