January 14, 2013

Hello and greetings from the Deep South. I've been searching for info on my DW for a while and saw this forum linked from another I frequent, so I thought I had better sign up and start asking.
I have a small collection of handguns but my oldest is my DW revolver. Thought I'd ask my questions and show off a couple of pics.
Glad to be here and look forward to sharing.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

December 29, 2009

Welcome aboard from the Gunshine State.
Like you, my first handgun was a D.W. I was looking to get into shooting and ran across a model 714-2 with the 2 1/2 in bbl in a LGS. Prior research had made me aware of the D.W. line and when I saw it, I was "taken". There ain't nothing like starting at the top. lol
Happiness is a warm Dan Wesson and those small groups.
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