March 8, 2016

Good day everyone, checking in, new DW 8" .357 max owner. I'm 61, aerospace design engineer, married for 35 years, and just love target shooting with my wife! We are fortunate to be able to do this on our property here and its just developed into a real hoot. We both have become extremely accurate in off hand target shooting with 9mm and .45acp. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to watch my petite wife shoot a Springfield TM .45 and bust a 2" bull at 25 feet all day long. Good times.
So back to the DW. Of course I had to take it apart, clean, inspect, and make ready. Yup, here it comes, barrel nut stripped on me with the OEM tool. Gun had not been fired in about 15 years and was put away dirty. So thanks to this forum I was able to see there was another way to get it apart and I tried to improve upon this method, which I did, and was very successful in getting her apart. Please see my other post on this. I did order a real wrench and new bushing from Eric as well. Great help there too!
I do have extra hex nuts and washers left over from my ordeal so if anyone needs a couple of nuts and washers to aid in a stuck barrel just give me a shout out and I'll send them to you for free. The bolt, if you choose that method, you can get from Mcmaster in the length you need.


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