December 20, 2010

Good afternoon folks,
Just a quick "howdy." I found this forum a day or so ago. The people here are a wealth of information. Hard to believe what I've newly learned about a revolver I've owned for 30+ years. Actually, I have two DWs.
I didn't think I'd join the forum because I've nothing to really contribute. However, I poked around and saw that there are several Ole Virginy members. Therefore, I figured I'd add to their ranks.
Thanks for the information contained within... I'll try not to clutter the bandwidth with useless questions.
Check your feelings at the door, we have a job to do

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to DWF! If you don't ask ask "useless questions" how are we ever going to provide longwinded and pompous answers
BTW, as a 30 year owner, you may be in a position to help fill in some Serial Number Registry data, if you're so inclined. Please see the right sidebar for more info.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

May 17, 2010

Hard to believe that no-one has mentioned WE LIKE PICTURES!!!
Yep, you would be surprised how, much we just sit around and gawk at our own purty guns.. as for knowledge... I for one talk about stuff I know very little about. BUt being wrong is the only way I learn to be right. Just ask "Shoot the ancient".
pull up a chair and tell us about your DW's!
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B
Welcome to the forum! We need all the Virginia members we can get! I'm just down the road in Salem! Which two DW's do you have? I have been meaning to drive up to the Harrisonburg show but have never gotten around to it.
Thanks for joining the forum, hope you enjoy it.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

December 20, 2010

Oh, thank each of you for your fast and warm welcomes!
Jody, we're close at times... I have a house near Roanoke that I frequent.
Steve, I've looked at the serial number project. As far as I can tell, my first DW isn't really represented there. I'm sure this isn't the right forum for this discussion; sorry for a TOS violation so soon. But, let's give it a shot. Maybe the good folks here can help out.
A tad of history about my first DW. The serial is a 6007x. A quip about the serial number, the last digit is double stamped. I don't know if the frame moved during the stamp or what happened but, it was hit twice.
I've never seen another firearm, any type, where a double-stamp has occurred. I guess it's possible that the serial is a six digit and the last number was hit atop the fifth. But, being a 1970's vintage, I assumed it to be a five-digit serial. Also, the last two digits are the same number if it is actually a six-digit serial; it could be a 6007xx I suppose.
I bought this revolver used from a friend of mine in 1979; I was shy of 18 yo. The revolver has a 4" interchangeable. I didn't have a clue about DW when I got it. I wanted a .357 and he had one to sell. My pal related that it had been "shot a lot." The gun shown some wear that was not excessive IMO. I recall what really attracted me to this revolver was its deep, dark, black and rich bluing. Dan's are beautifully finished.
In 1984, I professionally carried my DW. All my partners were carrying either 1911s or S&W revolvers. I was scolded many times for carrying a revolver with a transfer bar. My warning was that the firing pin needed to be on the hammer. The department moved to auto-loaders, Glocks, in '88, and the DW went to the safe. I haven't really touched it since, only to reminisce, give her a coat of oil, and put her back.
I could shoot that revolver well enough to qualify. However, I never got good with it. I shot it about 15 years ago, and shot horribly. Enough to fret that the barrel should be replaced.
My second DW is a much higher serial, 3093xx. Another friend shown up with this revolver around 1985. He didn't know what he had, I knew I had already had one... so, I picked it up for $150. Beautiful revolver, 6", and I'd say in still 98 to 99% condition. I've never shot it.
Finding this forum has renewed my interest in pulling these fine revolvers out for a run. I'm gona tune them up and take 'em for a ride!
Thanks again members for your toasty welcome. I think I'm off to post a useless question... in the correct forum this time (hopefully).
Check your feelings at the door, we have a job to do

December 20, 2010

photohause said:
Welcome and enjoy the forum! Used to ride my motorcycle frequently to Front Royale and the parkway when I lived in NVA....
Ahhhhhh, NOVA... the other state. We'uns down here keep trying to give it to DC or Maryland! (joking of course... maybe).
A beautiful road to ride on! I do all my riding on the free end of it. One thing about the BRP though, you best not get lazy lest you'll end up down.
Thanks for the greetings and keep safe,
Check your feelings at the door, we have a job to do

September 1, 2010

Welcome from the hills of eastern Tennessee. You have found the place to learn tons of great stuff about Dan Wesson products, lots of smart people hang around here, of course excluding myself. One of the few smart things I did was buy a DW revolver 32 years ago and it still shoots very well.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

September 1, 2010

Welcome to from Las Vegas. I retired from the NYCPD just a little before
you started your career. I joined the this past July when I purchased
my 1st DW. I now have four and try not to miss a day away from the
I have rec'd so much inormation and help from the members, they are GREAT


January 24, 2009

Truckie said:
One thing about the BRP though, you best not get lazy lest you'll end up down.
Is that also called "the Dragon" by some? I have heard a lot about the Dragon area from others on biker forums & have always thought I'd love to give it a go.
I can't give a definitive answer as to your possible double stamped s/n. Judging from the "6" at the front of your s/n & the time when you bought it, I can't imagine that it's a 6-digit number...gotta be a double stamped 5-digit frame.
I have seen the shroud roll mark double stamped, but never a serial number...well, at least so far.

December 20, 2010

Hello Adam42 and DWA. Thank you both for the greetings.
Hello brother! Four DWs since July? Impressive, you got busy. Musta really liked the old Dans, huh? I suspect that you retired on a .38 S&W. Thank you for your service Sir.
Charger Fan,
Thank you for addressing my ser.# issue. I too suspect it's a five-digit and the last number was hit twice, somehow.
"The Dragon" is near Asheville NC. Certainly an interesting piece of the BR Parkway. I wanted to ride it when I had a Ninga and youthful bliss. Never got down there until after I tamed and moved onto a big 1500 dinosaur. Still, even on a road hog, it's a fun ride. Heed my previous warning though, don't get lazy or you'll regret it. IIRC, 300+ curves in a dozen miles! I remember that after I finished, the road had earned its fame… thrilling.
I hear that street bike guys run the Dragon pretty hard and that the Rangers try to keep 'em under control. I also hear the Rangers lose most of the time. Now, I don't advocate lawlessness. But, let's just say I'm glad (maybe sad) my Ninja and I never made it down there.
Check your feelings at the door, we have a job to do

December 20, 2010

Hey Proverbs,
One fall during your family visits, and you're not gona go back... I just feel it lol.
Many years ago, I spent almost a year in Avon Park. You Sir, may have Florida. Mosquitos as big as my hand; one would knock me down and the second bit me. Defiant roaches as big as my thumb. Don't try to stomp 'em. They'd shrug you off and, I swear, I could hear 'em laugh. I'm a barefoot kinda guy, the fire ants loved them some Old Dominion foot rum! And just when I thought all was getting under control... the Snow Birds migrated.
Seriously though, I had some fun in those parts. The Gulf Coast was simply breath taking.
Thanks for the greetings and keep safe,
Check your feelings at the door, we have a job to do