December 24, 2010

I was registered on here for about 1 1/2 years and just read the various postings of the members. I can't recall if I ever posted anything and when I went to sign in this morning I didn't exist anymore. Either I never changed the original password or the system booted me. No Matter though. I re-registered using the same name and email address , so now I wonder if I was ever registered before. I used to have a Blue Dan Wesson 357 with a 8" barrel and 2" barrel. It was very accurate with the 8" barrel, not bad with the 2". I currently have a Monson 744 HV with the ported shroud and two 8" barrels. One is ported and the other isn't. I have owned this 44 since around 1985 and it never fails to satisfy. Have a very Merry Christmas. Bill

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008


January 24, 2009

I don't know how any registered members can resist posting now & then. We're such a gabby bunch, that I would think it hard to resist jumping into the fray now & then.
I'm glad you decided to say hi this time, you're very welcome to jump into any current or old posts whenever you'd like. I'm not sure if the system automatically boots a member if there's no post history after X-amount of time. Jody (our Admin) may know the answer to that one.
Regardless, aboard, and I hope you & your family have a Merry Christmas.

February 11, 2010

Charger Fan said:
I don't know how any registered members can resist posting now & then. We're such a gabby bunch, that I would think it hard to resist jumping into the fray now & then.
I'm glad you decided to say hi this time, you're very welcome to jump into any current or old posts whenever you'd like. I'm not sure if the system automatically boots a member if there's no post history after X-amount of time. Jody (our Admin) may know the answer to that one.
aboard, and I hope you & your family have a Merry Christmas.
You know I've been here like 9 or 10 mnths and sometimes someone will bring
up an old post , maybe a year or 18 mnths old and not one smart ack comment
will be made about it. On any other Forum that would be cause for a lashing.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

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