March 20, 2010

Hey there, everyone. I'm Tim Kennedy. I play alot of ol time music n drive tractor trailer, as well as work in the mining industry. From my fiddle playin' is where I got the name of Ol Mt Fiddler, from fellow musicans and truck drivers. I grew up in southern WV. on a mountain farm. When not working, time was spent hunting, fishing, and playing music. My dad was an avid hunter n we spent alot of time in the mountains hunting. I was hunting small game with a Colt .22 in my teens. I hunted big game with rifles, and some hand gun up till 1984. The last deer I took with a rifle. The next year I began hunting with handguns. First a Colt Python, then in 87 with a S n W 657 .41 mag. When the 480 Ruger came out I got one. In 06 I got a X frame 500 S n W. I hunt alot of deer, bear n wild boar. Hunting from WV, SC n on ,to Lousiana. I have shot a couple of DW's and really them. I hear that they may be making a come back, if so I will sure get one. Hopefully, a supermag with 8", 10" bbl's. I'd like to do alot of shooting n load developement for it and try on bear n deer. I sure am glad to find this forum and hope to learn alot from it.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to DWF. I would suggest you start watching the auctions, gun shows, etc. for that Supermag. The speculation on new production DW revolvers has not been verified in any substantial way.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

March 20, 2010

Jody, im' from Bradshaw Mt. n lived on Rock Ridge for years. I've spent alot of time in Grundy and hauled coal out of Jewel Ridge. Several years ago I joined, and still belong to the Grundy chapter of The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Witcher Camp 1863. So I guess we're neighbors.


January 24, 2009

aboard, glad you're here!
I'm afraid that the rumors about DW making a revolver comeback seem to still be in the rumor stage...nothing concrete just yet. So for now, Steve's advise is gonna probably be your best bet of obtaining one. Stick around here & I'm sure we can help find one for ya.
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