March 29, 2009

Hi all, name's Mark, just joined your great forum, and am enjoying it very much. Just recently bought a .357 with a vent ribbed 4" barrel , took it out yesterday for the first time, and had a blast(pun intended)!! Has a few issues, but am overall happy I bought it, shoots real nice, already becoming a big fan of Dann Wesson, and hope to learn alot from you guys/gals .

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Hey Mark, welcome to DWF. I really like shooting .357 in 4", actually more than in 6". What kind of issues are you having? We have lots of help here, but it comes at a cost-
We really want to see a picture of that Dan Wesson!
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Welcome to the forum Mark, I am a recent "joinee" also. The guys here are really helpful and the information around the site is awesome!... I'm sure you know the drill... POST PICTURES!!!!!!!! Make you you visit all the topics and articles, there is just so much info here it's amazing. What part of W. NY state are you in?

March 29, 2009

Bear hands, I live in Lockport, about 20 miles from both Buffalo and Niagara Falls, and to answer the ? about issues, the extractor star has 2 of the tips broken off, and I think it imight be the reason I have 2 cylinders having casings sticking, needing some force on the rod to get them out . The other 4 fall out no problem. Other than that, the grips a little fouled up, with a small chunk missing right behind the trigger guard, I ordered some Hogue rubber grips for now, but will be looking in the future for some nicer original sets, maybe along with a couple barrels. BTW, where is a good place to get a barrel tool for this baby?? And when I can , I will post some pics!

November 4, 2008

Welcome Frogmeat69!
That extractor issue could cause problems with timing also, expecially double action. You can send the gun in to CZ Dan Wesson and have a new one installed and retimed for about $70. That should include the freight, please correct me someone if this is changed.


January 24, 2009

Welcome aboard!
With the broken extractor tips, someone had to be doing some serious speed loading! Or just plain abusing the poor thing.
I agree with Palo, I'd probably send it home to DW/CZ & have them give it some lovin'. They can also sell you a barrel tool. I think they're about $40, if I recall.

March 29, 2009

Thanks for the responses, I'll give CZ/DW a call and see what I gotta do and what the cost will be. The gun didn't seem to have any problems shooting single or double action, went bang every time, just those 2 pesky stuck casings each time I wanted to reload. Can't complain though, got the gun for $150, and even if I had to put another $150 into it, I'd say it was worth it, the things built like a bank vault. Once again, thanx to all!!

December 17, 2008

Welcome aboard. A little effort to put that baby right will be worth it. I concur with sending it to the factory. Norwich price list is posted on in the "Parts and Service Forum", w/ Phone #'s, etc.
Also a guy on eBay (BlueIrish) sells a really good Barrel Wrench. He sells them one at at a time, but they can be had for $20 bucks if no one bids. If the bidding gets ridiculous, just wait for that one to sell and another will be up the next day.
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