February 18, 2009

Hi everybody, just another gun nut here so I'm hoping I'll fit in OK....
I'm using the fact that our 401Ks are tanking as an excuse to further fuel my firearms addiction (haha...like we need an excuse, right?)! I'm a few years south of 50 and remember in the early 80's reading the magazine articles on the DWs. It wasn't until a couple yrs ago however that I acquired one, a blued 357. Recently I found a 10" 445 (also blued) and am looking forward to reloading for it and trying it out.
Since turning 21 I've been a fan and shooter of the 41Magnum (in a Ruger Blackhawk I'm afraid) and I hope one day to be the owner of a DW in that caliber and ultimately the 414SuperMag. I get the feeling from reading on this awesome site that the odds of that happening are slim.......
Good Shooting Everybody

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Nothing wrong with a Balckhawk, guess I'm allowed to say that? 41 is a great caliber, keep your email links to the auction sites open for the 414's they do not come up often but they do happen. They do not come inexpensively though. Welcome!
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009


January 24, 2009

Here's a .41 mag with a few bumps & bruises on it, but the price is at least reasonable.
Blackhawks are good guns too. I've got a SBH that I've freely admitted to owning...I even posted a couple pics of it & nobody ran me off the site. LOL!
Seriously though, I don't think there are many of us who are staunch DW folks, most of us own some brand X's too. We just love the DW's a lot. And like Supermagfan said, they're certainly addicting.
Supermagfan said:
Nothing wrong with a Blackhawk, guess I'm allowed to say that? 41 is a great caliber, keep your email links to the auction sites open for the 414's they do not come up often but they do happen. They do not come inexpensively though. Welcome!
Okay Supermagfan... do you want to be ban from the site!
Actually I also have a fondness for the Ruger Single Actions. Below is my first handgun a Ruger Super Single Six with a 9 1/2" barrel.
You could always pick up the bumped and bruised 41 on GunBroker and send it back to Keith at Dan Wesson to be refinished if it's too bad looking.
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