August 19, 2013

Just wanted to say I am a proud new owner of an early 80's (to my best estimate thanks to your serial number archive) 15-2 VH in .357! I went into my local Gander Mountain and could not believe my eyes when I saw it in the case marked at $250. I had researched Dan Wesson's in the past and thought the removable barrel would be a great feature. I had no intensions of buying a revolver at this time but at the price it was at, I could not resist. I had seen a lot of pistol packs on Gunbroker, and didn't think that these guns sold individually. Mine has the 6in barrel. I hope to add a snub 2" and maybe another longer barrel w/scope in the future from EWK or if I find a true Dan barrel at a good price.
She is a bit rough, scratches, a chip in the wood grip, some surface rust-which I hopefully removed, but it will mainly be my woods gun. Overall I think its in fair to good shape.
I pulled apart the trigger and cylinder and gave it a good cleaning. You would think Gander would have done that. Picture is before I tore it apart.
Paper plate is the first time I shot it in the woods. After shooting, I noticed the back sight was cranked to the left. Most of my shots were left of center. The deer flies were so bad though I didn't stay to adjust and shoot again. When I got home I moved it back to center. I did have a real nice group of 3 on that plate. All was single action standing 10-15 yards.
Target is from the range Saturday. First shots were a bit left and I turned the back sight a few more turns to the right. I hit the bulls eye 2 after that. most shots where single action from the bench at 15 yards. A few were single action standing. The high shots were at 40 yards from the bench SA. The guy next to me was impressed. He was shooting a DA Ruger in .357. Overall I was very impressed with the accuracy. I will have to work on the distance shots but I think I can improve with this gun.

December 12, 2012

I'm also from (Southwest) WI. Nice deal on the DW, and nice clean shooting. I guess I need to visit my Gander store more often. They have been good to me, and very good to you. Enjoy!!!
I've got the Pistol Pack and I enjoy shooting the 6 and 8 inch barrels the best.

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010


January 24, 2009

to the
Looks like you've landed a beauty there, congrats! One little thing though, if you could edit & re-size your photo sizes that would be very helpful for our members who may have slower computers. It'll save us mods the task of editing them for you.
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