November 19, 2014

I purchased my Dan Wesson 357 Magnum the day I turned 21 in 1975. I got a Model 15 with a 6"VH barrel. It is a Monson gun. I have shot it so much I lost round count. at 30,000. It finally got out of time & I sent it back. They did a total rebuild & reblueing. I shot it a few times after I got it back to set the sights. It is the most accurate handgun I own! Out shoots all my S&W's, Rugers & T/C Contenders. I have retired it in a place of honor it deserves until my grand daughter is old enough for it & then it's hers.
My wife gave me for Christmas one year a DW 357 Super Mag! It has a 10" VH barrel & shoots like a rifle! I have lost count at the whitetail deer that have fallen to that fine revolver. That is also a Monson gun.
I also had a DW 44 Magnum with an 8" VH barrel, also a Monson gun. I'd love to say I still had it but we ran into some money problems & I had to sell it. I'm kicking myself in the butt for doing that! It was the finest shooting 44 I ever had in my hand. Someone got a fantastic firearm!
May the Dan Wesson's of the world reign supreme!

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"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788


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