August 16, 2015

hello everyone, Im a new DW owner but a long time dan wesson fan.
just took the plunge and purchased my first DW weapon, Model 15-2v6 last week.
thought now that I finally own the model 15 i have been keeping an eye out for the last couple years, I should probably get a membership.
been looking at your Average Joe tune up, new springs are on order from DW.
as a person new to the platform, any advice from you experienced guys is appreciated.

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

Hi Nathan and welcome to the forum. You have found the right place with the right bunch of folks to answer most all your Dan questions. New springs and the AJ tune up are the perfect starting points. You will soon have your 15-2 driving tacks. We'd love to see some of that bad boy and get a range report when you get a chance to punch some paper.
To the paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers:
if you find one...what's your plan?



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

+2 on the AJT and springs. You're moving in the right direction. The only other advice, to improve success on the initial outing, is not to torque down the grip screw and set your gap so the tightest it is on any chamber (the most proud) is between .003"-.006". The factory gauge is .006" but on some revolvers you can go as tight as .002". Regards, Ron
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

August 16, 2015

Steve said
Welcome to DWF, I think you are the gentleman from ArfCom? And did I see there that you might be Active Duty Military?
yeah thats me from arfcom, I'm Former active army, transitioned to the reserves a few years back as a reserve Drill Sergeant (basically I teach a cycle of infantry OSUT in benning in the summer, and teach train the trainer programs on the weekends the rest of the year)
i work in law enforcement in the civilian side.
initial trigger return problems i had with my 15-2 were solved by solutions posted in the thread https://www.danwessonforum.com/forum/revolvers/trigger-sticks-anything-i-can-do/
that thread really helped, as well as the AVJ, and new springs (trigger return spring and hand spring were both warped by prior owner tinkering, this caused most of the problem)
I installed the springs, did the AVJ, readjusted the over travel screw, seems great now, but I haven't posted about it yet as i haven't been able to do conclusive testing after the solution implementation (seems better so far though).
definitely seems gtg now though, i have been unable to replicate the malfunction while dry firing, not even applying finger pressure forward on the hammer or counter clockwise on the cylinder while slowly releasing the trigger will cause it to stick ( surefure way to make it stick every time before).
but i will do another live fire test before shooting my mouth off that its fixed.

August 16, 2015

link to arfcom thread if anybody's curious

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

August 16, 2015

Steve said
Nathan, Thank you for your Service.You might find some Dan Wesson History interesting
thank you for supporting our troops.
is there a resource for serial# look up to find date of manufacture?
kinda curious about when my 15-2v6 was made.
serial 2633XX
You seem to be pretty talented and experienced. With that being said, Karl Lewis designed a gun that was so simple most firearms enthusiasts were befuddled. It is the 1911 equivalent in Revolvers. He designed the first modern revolver lockwork and look for Colt Trooper MK iiis. He then eliminated the need for a gunsmith for most things by the removable barrel and Grip tang. When a barrel was shot out you either had to send the gun to the factory or a Smith and pay big bucks. With Dans you just replaced the inexpensive barrel tube. To change grips took 2 minutes.
I say to every one who listens, the Wolff Reduced power Springs make a HUGE difference.

August 16, 2015

Ole Dog said
You seem to be pretty talented and experienced. With that being said, Karl Lewis designed a gun that was so simple most firearms enthusiasts were befuddled. It is the 1911 equivalent in Revolvers. He designed the first modern revolver lockwork and look for Colt Trooper MK iiis. He then eliminated the need for a gunsmith for most things by the removable barrel and Grip tang. When a barrel was shot out you either had to send the gun to the factory or a Smith and pay big bucks. With Dans you just replaced the inexpensive barrel tube. To change grips took 2 minutes.I say to every one who listens, the Wolff Reduced power Springs make a HUGE difference.
yeah I have a few wheel guns but i have been hankering for a DW 15 for a few years now, all the ftf and fun show ones I have seen have been a little to steep in price for me. and i wouldn't take the risk on an online auction with a used revolver with limited replacement parts availability.
few weeks ago I finally found the one I was looking for.
now I just need a 1911 in 10mm, looking into a new razorback for xmas
I will look into the wolf springs, I have had great experience with wolf springs in some of my other weapons.
thanks for the tip.

January 22, 2008

Welcome from South Carolina. Nice pick up.
…he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36 Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project http://www.irenasendler.com/
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