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November 17, 2008

Well I am certainly no Xspurt but I believe I can answer this one. Any standard feeler gauge, will do. .006 is factory spec, anything less "may" be beneficial. Be sure and gauge on the proudest cylinder as some are not exactly true. If you close it down to around .002 or less it may drag as the cylinder warms up and gets smutted up. You just have to experiment to find the optimum gap. Oh and by the way just light pressure on the gauge, not enough to depress the cylinder alignment ball in the back.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

February 21, 2011

From my own limited experience:
Yes, gap is critical. If its not set correctly it can cause all sorts of problems & even contribute to/eliminate spitting.
Does it have to be 6 thou? In my experience when I set my gap to 6 thou the 15-2 spat a lot of powder making it unpleasant to shoot. Reading on here I worked out which chamber was "high" & which one was "low". I then discreetly marked both in a way I could tell right away for future reference. I set the highest (tightest gap) to 4 thou & the spitting stopped immediately. I've had no problems with fouling, binding or spitting since. Interestingly the "low" (biggest gap comes out to 6 thou)! I did still use a feeler gauge BTW it was just the 4 thou one from my tool kit instead of DW's 6 thou one. What I do is to spin the nekkid barrel in to just kiss the feeler gauge. then I remove the gauge, open the action put a finger on the rear of the barrel, drop on the shroud & then tighten. This stops the barrel spinning & changing the previously set gap. Once the nut is "set" I do a final check just to be sure.
Going a tad further, tension when tightening the muzzle nut also matters, for me at least. I found I could get quite a big change in POI when removing & re-installing even the same barrel & shroud! Changing the torque on the nut slightly actually lets me "walk" the POI back into place.
The other thing I found is that you only just need contact with the feeler. Over doing it is actually giving a false reading by shoving the rear spring-loaded ball back & setting a tighter gap.
Matthew Quigley on handguns:
“I said I never had much use for one. Never said
I didn't know how to use it.”
Looks like your in good hands now HotRod,
If this is your first Dan Wesson, It may take a few times to get the nack of it, after that you'll be able to do it blind folded...well I don't know about actually being blind folded, but you smell what I steppin in, right?
Yup to what they said. Once you get the feel for it you can dispence wirh the gauge amd eyeball it by holding up to the light and rotating the action to check the gape on all chambers. At least thats what I in my ignorance do. Making note of the proudest cylinder will save you time but all of my dans are very even.I suspect most are. .006 is too much gap which is one reason there are so many dans in fine shape out there. a lot of people followed the factory directions and grew tired of powder in the face and didn't shoot their dan much. Most gun shop owners have no barrel tool , don't check it or know how to.

December 4, 2013

Mister Callan, Thanks for all tune-up info. I will give the tighter clearance you mentioned a try. I haven't had any debris blow out of DW, I'll try some hotter loads and see if I get that blow by. I used to get a lot of flying debris from my first large frame S&W revolver, A mod 57 with a 6 1/2" or 6 3/8" barrel...240 grain HP that were very good at long distance, 1,300+ fps and wicked accurate. That had big blow by...when I laid back on the ground for a 200 yard shot I would hang it on the side of my right leg...and that stuff coming out past the cylinder would penetrate my levi's...had to use a rough out leather shield on that knee to save from the sting. Sorry, I do go on...Thanks much..I give it try.
seeya, HotRod

December 4, 2013

Hey Ole Dog, I hear ya, and much thanks for all the great info. Hey, I'm in the Ole Dog club, I just don't use the handle ! I love the DW even though I don't think I've seen the best it can perform yet. I have a love for all my revolvers and a true appreciation for my 1911's, I do not own DW 1911 (yet !) I compete in KDPA, Kentucky Defensive Pistol Assoc. Like IDPA, Combat timed course, great stuff...I use a Les Baer Custom...a really amazing auto loader.
Thanks for help!

December 4, 2013

Mister Callan; I think the Shiloh Sharps Rifle is a real beauty...I dream of that ol' rifle. Built up in Montana I think. Was your friend chambered for 45-110 or 45-90 or 45-70...I think all these cartridges could be good choices...heck yes, and the 45-120. Maybe my Mrs. will get me one for Christmas? With card attached reading..."You'll shoot your eye out" !
seeya, Thanks for the reply.

February 21, 2011

I don't remember the exact chambering. It was a .45 caliber but the case was in inches length not powder grains. 1 7/8" maybe? It was an equivalent of a 45/110 IIRC.
Matthew Quigley on handguns:
“I said I never had much use for one. Never said
I didn't know how to use it.”
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