March 22, 2009

Hi all.
I'm Drew form Reading, PA. Just wanted to introduce myself before I started bombarding you guys with questions. I have had a DW SS 6" .44 mag for years and although I don't know much about it, I know it shoots better than any .44 I have had the opportunity to shoot. You guys really seem to know your stuff and I thought this would be great place to find out more about my revolver, barrels, fixes and tricks.
Great Site.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Welcome Drew!...... I'm formerly from the Reading area also. This is a GREAT place to find out TONS of things about DW. Start anywhere, read the articles, pics galore and a really nice bunch of people wiling to help you with anything.
What part of the Reading area are you from?

March 22, 2009

Thanks guys.. I am actually in the Kenhorst/Shillington area if you are familiar. I spend some time out in Hershey during hockey season. GOOO BEARS!!
"Monson, Palmer or Norwich?"
Monson. To be perfectly honest.. I didn't have a clue what you meant until I realized you were asking me where it was made. Told you I don't know much about it. LOL
I have to clean her up a bit.. just took her out yesterday. I will gladly take some pictures and post a little later.


January 24, 2009

Welcome aboard, glad to have ya!
It's always fun to hear someone say "I know it shoots better than any .44 I have had the opportunity to shoot"...it's almost as if someone has discovered a secret that the rest of us have known all along. That's really cool, welcome to the fun of owning a DW.
Feel free to ask away, we all love talking Dan Wessons here. And as Dusty said, we'd sure like to see some pics of that baby!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

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