January 12, 2011

Hi everyone,
After poking around this site on and off for a few weeks I finally got myself registered.
I'm a computer geek by trade, but am mainly here to get up to date info about the care and feeding of my Monson era 741.
My dad bought a 741 pistol pack new back in the early 90s, plus a few more barrels.
Between changing hands a few times, moves, etc. the only remaining barrel is the one that's one the gun now. A VH10.
It took a trip back to CZ two or three years ago and Keith gave her an action job, installed the SRS sight package on it, and returned her home.
I'm brushing off the dust as I've been away from the shooting sports for about two years now... and going to make 2011 the year I start attending silhouette matches on a regular basis out here at LASC in the Angeles Forest.
I don't usually post much. Love to use search. And may just email a few of you from time to time. IHMSA 80x80 and I got back a little bit, mainly due to the Specialty Pistols forum, and me finding many pics of his silhouette guns across various other forums.
Glad to finally "join" the family.

May 17, 2010

Welcome!... wow adn here I just read how an old timer just loves to hear about 41's. We would love some pics esp.. since the gun is wearing fancy new sights and such. I find it kinda sad that in a state that otherwise would be a great place to shoot a DW .. its nearly impossibly to buy one there. I would love to hear your stories after the competitions.
As for me .. I have just shot three competitons ( my first ever.. really) but none where really proper for the DW.. ( two ICORE and one Steel challenge). I enjoy the ICORE... but I can't compete being the only 6-shot there and the only one not using moon-clips. Still no-one doubts the guns abilty to hit targets.
Sorry this is obligiatory:
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Welcome Joe to the . Glad to hear you are dusting off the Dan once again. Very cool that it is wearing SRS sights, did you get this done when you could still obtain Bomar's? We'll be eager to hear more from you as you shoot the dust off the Dan
A man cannot have too many SuperMags



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008


January 24, 2009

September 1, 2010

Welcome to the club, I am sure that you will enjoy hanging out around here. Lots of neat guys with lots of information, that they are willing to share. I, like you, have been out of the sport for some time, in fact, way to long. Again, welcome from the mountains of Tennessee.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to DWF, it will be great to see pics of your upgraded 741.
I am an SPF Member too, I very rarely go there because I've never been able to get the Chat working properly.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

January 12, 2011

Thanks guys. It's glad to finally be here.
SMF, yes, I was able to grab the SRS sight package when they still had the Bomars available. They also went through the gun to "correct" any issues they found. This was all about three years and 40-50 rounds ago.
Dean, glad to hear about the weights... Keith at CZ just found a few left over 10" 1:14 barrels and 10" VH shrouds. He'll be able to machine down a shroud for me, etc. like they did in the SRS-1 days. He had mentioned that it should make weight with the wooden grips, but maybe not with the Hogues. I actually seem to prefer the wooden one with the finger grooves. Fits my hand better then the Hogues.
If I'm lucky, I might find the 4/6/8 barrels someday. Between moving coast to coast, etc. I'm hoping they're tucked away in a box of socks or something and I'll find them eventually.
I'm almost ready to post pics. Have a few rust/pitting spots I'm attempting to remove before I take any pics of her. Soon though, I promise!
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