January 23, 2011

Just found this DW site and figured I would check in. Several years age I picked up a Dan Wesson 357 in stainless, sn# 357S005288. Figured I might be able to get an idea when it was built. After reading some of the information on this site and others it seems to me that this might be a fairly early model, or am I mistaken?

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Welcome to the DWF !!! our database shows you revolver to be produced somewhere around 1987/1988.
you can check out our serial number registry here.
This data was compiled by DWF member Steve CT.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009


January 24, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

January 23, 2011

Allright, I'll see if I can get a picture of it up. Actually it looks just like the one in lbruces picture. As for getting another, for now I think I might just try and get a few more barrels for it and maybe the case for it. Right now it has the 6 inch barrel with the vented full underlug shroud. Also noticed it shows it is a Monsen built gun, thats a good thing right ?
I am a fan of the 41 mag, I have a Smith in that caliber, might look into a DW to add to the collection.
I didn't buy this gun new so I don't know if I should do the serial # thing or not.
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