March 2, 2013

Hi from Montana (Bear Country)
I retired recently and moved to Montana. I love to fish however so do bears (mostly black but some grizzlies in my area) I decided I needed to carry a gun for protection. I fell in love with the Dan Wesson 44 mag. with the interchangeable barrel. I have an old Taurus 44 special with a 2 ½ inch barrel which is pretty easy for me to handle. (I’m 70 years young.) I have shot a SW 357 mag with 6 inch barrel, a little more kick but was OK with it. I haven’t shot a 44 mag, but figure if I don’t like the kick, I could practice with 44 specials, and load it with 44 mags when I’m fishing. I know some don’t like the idea of using specials in a mag, but if I keep the cylinder clean, I hope I wouldn’t have any problems with it.
This is what I was thinking I should be looking for:
4 to 6 inch barrel (easy to carry)
heavy vented shroud (help with recoil)
S.S. (easier to maintain, never know when it might rain)
non-ported barrel (easier to maintain)
Work Horse (mechanically sound, but not necessarily pretty)
No scope (to hard for me to quickly focus)
Type of holster? (chest, shoulder, belt)
Now it’s time for you guys to step in and tell me what I should be looking for!
I didn’t have any idea as to what was available until I found this site.
Thanks to all for this Great Forum.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

from PA! Sounds like you have a plan well thought out. I don't really have much to add, I will mainly reiteratae what you said, a 6 or 8 VH stainless without the powercontrol barrel would be a great gun for what you want. A nice Hogue gripper would help cushion recoil, but a DW 44 mag is not unpleasant to shoot, especially with a VH shroud. When you get what you are after, post some
we like those!
Sounds like the start of
Enjoy the site.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

My dad is 68 years young and a few weeks ago we had a range day. He shot the DW44 with a 4inch VH shroud with no problem using full (240 gr.) house loads. The weight of the gun really helps control the recoil, 6 inch would be plenty, if you'd rather. As to holster- get whatever is most comfortable- if it isn't you won't carry. Make sure you check out clearances if you intend to fish with it attached. I'd try one on and make a few casts before you buy.
Welcome to the forum and looking forward to hearing more about what you decide.
Regards, Ron
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

to the forum! You would really like the 44 in 6 VH. It's my favorite and my wife's. It's really tame even with some pretty heavy loads. Stainless is nice, and my favorite, but not really needed. Stainless is harder to find and higher cost. I would go for a chest-type holster if you want to carry while fishing. I think it would be much easier to access and not get in the way.
Good luck and show us what you find.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Sounds like a 744 6VH is the right one for you, and this is the most common configuration you will find in the 744. 4" is harder to find, and if you're facing a grizzly the extra velocity and control for followup shots with a 6" might make sense.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

March 21, 2013

Hi there young man! I'm your neighbor to the south and thought I'd share my thoughts. When fishing in bear country I carry my .44 in a plain old Uncle Mikes outside waistband cordura holster. The holster has a retention strap that snaps in place and holds the revolver securely.
I also always carry bear spray on the other hip. You never know what the situation may call for and if I'm fishing with friends I don't want to use a sidearm to deter the bear if it's mauling one of them. That's not so far fetched as it happened to a fisherman in the area where I bowhunt.
Anyways, here are some photos...

“In the joy of hunting is intimately woven the love of the great outdoors. The beauty of the woods, valleys, mountains, and skies feeds the soul of the sportsman where the quest of game whets only his appetite." - Saxton Pope

March 2, 2013

First I would like to thank everybody for there replies to my first post. Your input has helped me in my decision for my first DW, probably not my last (DWAS). I couldn’t wait for exactly what I wanted, so I purchased a Monson 744 VH8 non-ported with standard Pachmayr Grips. I haven’t had my hands on it yet, it was shipped to my FFL in Montana.
I’ll be looking for a S.S. VH 6” barrel/shroud. Does anybody know what model Uncle Mikes holster will fit the 8” 44 mag? Eventually, after I find a 6” barrel, I would like to get a Simply Rugged Sourdough Pancake style holster with the Chesty Puller Harness. Well now it’s time to go order a EWK barrel tool and an extra barrel nut, just incase.
BTW Coop, my son gave me bear spray for Christmas, just hope the wind is blowing in the right direction if I have to use it!
Mt Man

March 21, 2013

BTW Coop, my son gave me bear spray for Christmas, just hope the wind is blowing in the right direction if I have to use it!
If the winds wrong just spray yourself with it and pray that the bear does not like spicy food. Just kidding ofcourse. I definitely have a heightened sense of awareness when playing in the bears neighborhood, ie. wind direction, game trails, bird activity, etc.
I'm thinking a shoulder holster would be a must for heavier revolvers. Otherwise yer pants will probably be riding pretty low (makes it hard to run when you get caught with your pants down lol).
“In the joy of hunting is intimately woven the love of the great outdoors. The beauty of the woods, valleys, mountains, and skies feeds the soul of the sportsman where the quest of game whets only his appetite." - Saxton Pope