Hi all,
Not sure exactly what to write here. I'm never very good at these things. I spent the first half of my working life in the military and an LEO. The second half has been spent being a "Jack-of-all-Trades" and has culminated, to this point, with being an FFL. Which also allows me to pursue a life-long passion of collecting firearms.
Thanks for allowing me to join the forum

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome Aboard! You did a nice job of introducing yourself. Is it safe to assume that your collection includes a Dan Wesson? We're always interested in knowing about member's "DW Story" (posting pictures is sort of a rite of passage here), as well as learning what else you own and shoot.
Just poke around a bit and you'll get a feel for how things work, we're a pretty friendly and chatty bunch.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Thanks for the warm welcome! I currently have only one, recently acquired DW – a Monson, Model 715, 8" barrel, Hogue Grips. I will post pictures in the next few days. I am also considering an early Monson 744, 6" barrel, wood grips w/ DW medallion and presentation case. I've posted pictures of that one on "What did it go for" under "Value help please"
In addition, I have the following pistols, revolvers, and rifles.
Glock Model 31 (357 SIG)
Norinco 1911A1
Norinco Type 54-1 Tokarev (Very early CAI import/7.62x25mm)
Norinco Model 213 (Tokarev / Civilian model 9mm) – One each "Narrow" & "Wide Body" Mag style.
Navy Arms TU-90 (Civilian Tokarev / Combo model w/ 7.62x25mm & 9mm barrels)
Hungarian PA-64 (9x18 Makarov)
Czech Model 27 "Boehmisch" 7.65mm (.32 cal) – WWII Era (Pre-1941) w/ Nazi proof marks
Smith & Wesson Model 19
Ruger GP100
Taurus 82S w/ Crimson Trace Grips
Charter Arms .327 Federal
Polytech M14A1 with extensive "tweaking"
Yugo M48 Mauser in Bosnian sniper configuration w/ field expediant authentic Zrak bases and authentic M-72 scope. (I'm looking for authentic Bosnian era Zrak mounts so I can complete it)
Yugo M48 Mauser in complete Bosnian Sniper configuration (Reproduction)
Romanian contract Czech Vz.24 Mauser with sniper scope bases; repro. mount; auhentic Lovec sniper scope.
K98k Mauser – 1941 "CE"; Unmarked "Russian Capture"
K98k Mauser – 1945 "DOU"; Unknown capture, all nazi marks ground off, not arseanl refurbished. Possibily another Bosnian war piece, though unverified.
Yugo 59/66A SKS in Bosnian sniper configuration and w/ owner's name carved in stock.
Norinco Model-D SKS w/ 16" barrel (Accepts AK mags)
Norinco Model-M SKS Sporter (essentially the same rifle without AK mag capability)
Norinco military SKS
Yugo M-72 AKM
Czech V-58 (x2)
Hungarian SA85
Bulgarian AK-74
Romanian PSL
Remington 870
Remington 1100
H&R Pardner Pump
I think that covers the bulk of my favorite pieces. Needless to say, I add to this collection as I find pieces that I find interesting
Items in collection not previously listed (Added 12/29/2010):
Remington 11-87 Tactical
Marlin - Model 1894 (.30-.30)
Mosin-Nagant Izhevsk 91/30: 1944 Ex-Sniper (PU) w/ correct de-miled sniper stock.
Mosin-Nagant Tula 91/30: 1942 "CH" marked though not drilled for scope.
Mosin-Nagant Izhevsk 91/30: 1942 Ex-Sniper, period correct stock, though not for a sniper.
Saiga 7.62x39 16" Sporter rifles (Unconverted) - Two of these
Saiga .308 w/ 20" barrel (Unconverted) - Will one day be built into a replica VEPR.
M1 Garand - Springfield; Post WWII/Pre Korea arsenal refurbish.
Mauser Werk-Oberndorf Single Shot .22LR sniper training rifle
Winchester Model 69A .22LR magazine fed bolt action
Mossberg Model S45A .22LR tube fed bolt action
There are probably more that I can't think of at the moment. But I'll list them as they pop into my consciousness

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Welcome, as said before Thank you for your service!
Now the hard part wheres the pics? I see a man that doesn't mind eastern block goodies *we may have to talk about those sometime!
Look around see the members collections of DW's This is a nice place to be and you might find one you check in on every day! All so be sure to check out the side bars for more goodies!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

from another PA member. If you spend any amount of time here on the
, you'll likely catch a case of
to which you'll never find a cure other than feeding it with more
. We'll be interested to see those
of your Dan's when you post them.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags


January 24, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

January 17, 2010

Wow, nice collection. I haven't started a real collection...yet. Just pieces for work and to hunt with. Nice Batch of European stuff. Seems ya like the snipey stuff? Found a nice Czech sniper rifle on my last trip in Iraq, and a sweet 8mm Mauser (I'll try to post the pic). Don't worry I only have one Dan also.
Thanks for your service
There I did it, I think. Too bad they wouldn't let us bring some of these home. Guys were sending home flea-bitten-cross-bred-mutts from Iraq. One of these rifles could go to a loving home also?
Once again welcome aboard!
Hell, we gots enough Pa folk we should try to have a get together eh?
"experience is the hardest teacher, the test comes before the lesson"
Guess I should have subscribed to THIS thread also. Didn't realize there had been so many responses. WOW...I'm not sure what to say. This is the friendliest firearms forum I have joined to date. I actually didn't list the entire collection...I ran out of time when I was posting the list. Then again, as an FFL, I tend to make changes to the collection quite frequently as ne guns catch my eye and I sell off something to pay for it. An example - for these who are into NON run-of-the-mill Mosin Nagants, I have a '44 ex- PU sniper, fully matching (NO line-throughs or force matching) with a correct de-milled stock, an excellently done bent bolt (un-numbered and I strongly suspect was done by "Bolt Man", likely THE best manufacturer of repro Mosin sniper bolts in the business). The package also includes an authentic, though post war, PU base/mount, and an authentic '44 PU scope (this is in need of refinishing, though the optics are excellent!). I bring this up because I am selling it to cover the cost of the 715 I just bought. I WAS going to sell it, but the more I talk and learn about the history of DWA revolvers, I have reached a point that I no longer have the heart or desire to do so. Hell, I'll even sell off my Ruger GP100 to cover the cost AND put a few bucks toward the .44 magnum. If I sell both, I'll have both revolvers covered. Next I'll be selling off various pieces in order to acquire a DW 1911 (another pistol with a very special place in my heart).
Again, thanks for the warm welcome...I really appreciate it!
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