March 31, 2018

My name is Jon. I bought my first Dan Wesson revolver about four years ago off an armslist ad. It was 300 bucks for a 6 inch 15-2 with a leather holster and some ammo. My first time shooting it I was shocked at how accurate I was with it (I’m no crackshot). I then purchased a gunsmith special 15 inch barrel and after a few hours of cleaning some active rust off the shroud I took it to the range and fell even more in love with the gun. Recently I purchased my second Dan Wesson 15-2 that had both a 10 inch and another 15 inch barrel plus Zebra grips and now I’m addicted which is a dangerous thing as these are expensive. I have collected milsurps previously, mostly Mosin Nagants with a few examples of others, and they are much cheaper. Here is a picture of my Dan Wesson family minus my 6 inch barrel. There are two revolvers, 2 15 inch barrels, a 10 inch, a 2.5 inch, some parts I purchased with the 2.5 inch barrel, and the 6 inch not pictured. Thanks for reading.

Range Officer


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