April 22, 2012

Joined this forum awhile back, have been surfing for awhile, like what I have seen & read. Purchased a DW model 15-2 about 2 months ago, love the revolver. Want to add at least one more (sure it will be more) have been bitten by the DW bug. Have the chance to purchase a model w-12 porkchop pac. It is in excellent condition with all the tools, manuals, & extra grips including walnut blank. Case is excellent. Serial # is 8xx. Would like to know the pros & cons of owning a w-12, & of course the obvious ?'s how much is to much for this particular pac. I have seen these sell online anywhere from $470.00 to almost $1,900.00. I know the high $ amount is ridiculous. Any help would be appreciated. Would post pics, but a present time, don't know how. Have a granddaughter to help me through this process (ain't kids great). Thanks in advance, by the way my name is Gary & I am retired (about time, I hate work, time to play in second childhood, with things that go BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just trying to get by!!!!! (retired & confused)

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Gary, Welcome to DWF. I'm am not a 'Chop owner, I can tell you that two similar Packs were at $750 well over a year ago in one local gunshop. Both sat for a while, but they were not prominently displayed. At that time, DW prices were pretty low in this area.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

April 22, 2012

Thanks for the welcome & the info provided thus far. Looking forward to acquiring as much knowledge as I know you dw gurus will send my way, hope I can comprehend at least some of it. Would like to let you all know that I truly appreciate your help. Being a newbie has its drawbacks. As time passes I will make an effort to become a productive member of this forum & not just another guy looking for quick answers to selfish questions. GEZ, I hope I didn't make that last couple of sentences sound WAY to sappy!!!! I just read what I wrote & it sounds like I'am running for class president or something. Well enough of the that!!! Just want to get some knowledge, some good revolvers & go shot something (as cheaply as possible) Let me know if I should be posting some of this in another forum, I'am new at this web site forum stuff to.
Just trying to get by!!!!! (retired & confused)

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Gary, it's all good, don't worry too much navigating the Forum. If you put something in the wrong place, a Mod will move it, and not beat you up too much.
I'd say to look around, there are hundreds of pictures here of DW's, and we have a GREAT crew of Site Supporters and active Members who will get you where you need to be.
Based on your description, if you can get that Pack for around $800, you are doing good, IMHO.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008


January 24, 2009

Hello Gary, aboard!
To answer the "pros & cons" question, I would have to say there are many more pros than cons with a W12. Some of these pros include the DW basics of course, easily interchangeable barrels & grips, simple action parts inside (making it easy to work on), and finally owning a really cool piece of DW history from the first roughly 18 months the company was in business.
The cons are; since this is one of two models from the first generation of DW production, the action & hammer spur ergonomics tend to feel a little more clumsy than what the later 15-2 evolved into. I don't find this a problem, because I admire the gun for what it is. Other cons are merely due to an owner's personal taste...mainly the protruded barrel nut & the porkchop shape to the shroud. Neither of these have anything against the gun's function, but are merely visually offensive to some folks.
Myself, I think Porkchops are dead sexy in their own ugly way. Here's a shot of one of my W12 Pistol Pac's. This is an early 2-digit gun, with an early case. Late W12 PP's came with a black case & grey foam inside.
As far as value goes, most of the time these seem to sell anywhere from $450 to the $850 range, with the occasional exception of a wildcard buyer with deep pockets. Here's a nice example that just sold yesterday for $631 LINK .
IMO, if you can get a complete Pac in good condition for anywhere in that range, you're doing well. with your decision & I hope your grandkid can help you show 'em off!

April 22, 2012

Hi guys, sorry I took so long to reply, life goes on a strange course some times, things have been hectic around here for awhile . I really appreciate the info & help you all provided. Now that things are getting back to normal (sort of) I have decided to pass on the porky pac. I have decided to look long & hard for a really nice 715 or 744 pac, there is just something about SS that gets my blood pumping. When I find this mystical shiny toy or toys I no doubt will be once again dying & crying for your advice & kind counsel. Thanks again for all your help!!!! I am going to learn how to post pics. Will aid in my quest & I can show off if & when I pull the trigger on a SS pac. Later, Gary.
Just trying to get by!!!!! (retired & confused)
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