Hi, I'm Gary. I am retired from U.S.P.S., and work part-time as a wholesale parts delivery driver for a local dealership chain, just to get out of house a few days a week. Found this site while browsing for info on Dan Wesson guns. I have owned my two DW's since sometime in the early 80's. First one was a 15-2 357 w/4" barrel in blue (first handgun). I got it new at a local dealer, who had it sitting in case for several years and wanted it gone. Don't remember what I paid, but it wasn't a lot when compared to the SW's and Colts I looked at. I didn't like the original wood grip, so I replaced it with a Pachmayr Gripper, which I still use today. Then I replaced the front sight insert with a red one. The gun shot always shot well, (better than I could) and was totally reliable. When I belonged to a local gun club, I shot regularly, and got 'decent' with it. I wanted to learn to shoot instinctively, but save on the cost of ammo, so I found a twin to the 357 in 22LR at another local dealer and traded an old shotgun for it. I put the same Pachmayr grip and front sight on it, so unless you look down the barrel, they look identical. It also shoots well. I no longer shoot as much as back then, and miss it, but hope to get back into it now that I have more time on my hands.
I mainly use the 357 as a back-up when hunting, but I have taken two whitetails with it. On my wish list is a pistol pac in 41 mag. I always thought the 41 was a great caliber, but sort of lost between the better known 357/44's. I was surprised at the high cost of the DW's I see listed. I guess a good thing will never go out of style or desire.
I am glad I found this site, and it looks like I have a lot of reading to catch up on.
Thanks for letting me join.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Welcome to the DWF.
Good luck finding a 41 or 741 PistolPac; not selling mine.
Prices on Dan's have steadily increased over the last five years. Personally I think it's our fault. Before this site existed (a little over six years ago)There was almost no information on the net about DW's, but since then people can find this site and learn an awful lot about these guns, and experience the love we have for them. That translates into a really good sales pitch; and the price goes up to satisfy the demand.
We hope you enjoy our site and your Dan's.


January 24, 2009

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April 20, 2010

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November 17, 2008



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February 22, 2009

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