January 18, 2010

Hi all. New member & glad to be here.
For my first handgun, around 20 something years ago I purchased my stainless model 715, .357Mag, mostly because a dealer had a good buy on a used one, and I liked the interchangeable barrel feature. I didn't realize at the time that I was getting one of the best revolvers ever. It's been my main gun since day one, and I would not part with it.
I got a 4″ and 8″ barrel with mine, and would like to find a 2″, maybe I can do that here.
I would like to determine the year of mine. Serial# 357 S0012XX. Maybe I can do that here also.
I'll post a couple of pics. Looking forward to chatting and learning from you all.
Josh P
[Image Can Not Be Found]
~Hey Joe … I said where you goin' with gun in your hand~

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Guitars n' Guns, to the
. That photo looks awefully familiar
. Maybe from the Firing Line? Glad you dropped by to introduce yourself and share your Dan pics with us. There are some threads here that help guide you to the approximate age of your revolver. We have a classifieds section here, but most likely the source you'll find that 2" stainless vented barrell assembly at will be Gunbroker if you keep watching it.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Range Officers
February 25, 2009


January 24, 2009

That's a great looking 715, welcome aboard!
Unfortunately, the older DW records are still in the hands of our tight-fisted BATF & they're not sharing. 😛 Recently, Steve has started trying to put together a decent list to help give us an idea of an approximate serial number date range here...
It's still pretty new, but as we collect more facts in the months & years ahead, the list should become more dialed in. So judging from what's on that list so far, your gun was probably made between 1988 & 1991. Is your gun a Monson or Palmer gun? If that list is correct, your gun should be a Monson gun.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

January 18, 2010

Hi all. Thanks for the kind welcome. Yes, The Firing Line is where I wandered over here from.
The repair invoice in my box was from Monson MA, and dated 5/26/88, so the gun has to be at least that old or older.
I'm a little confused about the Serial #. Mike's number has 5 digits after the zeros, and mine only has 4, but seems like they should be from the same time period. And mine does not have the D after the S. Must be some code I need to learn.
Also, does anyone have a suggestion for removing the rubber grip. It's been on for around 20+ years. I removed the screw, but it will not budge. Should I spray penetrating oil or something on it?
Josh P
~Hey Joe … I said where you goin' with gun in your hand~

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

January 18, 2010

Thx folks. I am trying every way possible to remove that grip, and I can not get it to budge. I pried so hard it seemed about to rip. It's soaking in penetrating oil now, but I dont know if I can get it off without ruining it.
Update: I just got the grip off. Someone suggested soaking the butt of the gun in hot water. 5 minutes in the bathroom sink, and she's off..... was still a bear!
Josh P
~Hey Joe … I said where you goin' with gun in your hand~

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

November 28, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

That is the Pachmayr Gripper, which i sometimes think refers to how thightly it "grips" onto your frame.
The DW Serial Numbers can be a real mystery at times, they seem to start and end in random places with no real rhyme or reason.
Welcome to DWF
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

January 18, 2010

Update: I just got the grip off, with no damage. Someone suggested soaking the butt of the gun in hot water. 5 minutes in the bathroom sink with hot tap water, and she's off….. was still a bear! Thanks for the support, I'm glad I found the DW forum.
~Hey Joe … I said where you goin' with gun in your hand~

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Guitars n Guns said:I'm a little confused about the Serial #. Mike's number has 5 digits after the zeros, and mine only has 4, but seems like they should be from the same time period. And mine does not have the D after the S.
Sorry, my fingers have been doing this kind of stuff all day. My real SN is SD016305.
I'm very srprised at the missing on your gun. Oh well, another DW anomaly.


January 24, 2009

That stuck grip reminds me of how this Pachmayr fits on this Porkchop. It would NOT even slide on dry, I had to put some light oil inside. Then once it's on, it's ON! I don't even bother putting a grip screw in it (mostly because I'd have to rob one from another gun) and it stays put just fine until I yank it off again.

January 18, 2010

Dang that grip was tough. Here's a couple of pics with the orig wood grip and longer barrel. Anyone know what wood these were made of?
I haven't see her lookin' like this for decades. So different from my orig. post. That's what I love the most about these DW's. Next for me is a 2" barrel and a slender hardwood grip....maybe striped ebony.
I took some pics of her naked too! I'll make my first post in the revolver section with them. Thx again,
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~Hey Joe … I said where you goin' with gun in your hand~
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