March 17, 2019

Hello, from under a rock on the banks of the Deep River in North Carolina! I have a DW PM2 45 and a PM7-10, so I'm a fan.
I'm here because I bought a rough, bobbed and beaten 357 DW revolver that needs some TLC. I know only a little about DW revolvers, so I have some questions.
I shot this pistol and found that it is incredibly accurate. I also found that it shaves a wee bit of lead on one of the cylinders, and that little shaving falls into the action and locks it up. Also, if I hold the cylinder gently while dry firing it, there is a point where the cylinder stops and the trigger and hammer keep cycling.
I started cleaning it up, ordered a hammer, and will drop this little gem off with a good gunsmith next week. It just needs a little overhaul.
- MacEntyre
"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." - Ben Franklin
"Politics is the entertainment branch of industry." - Frank Zappa

March 17, 2019

...also, I found some entries in the registry that lead me to believe this is a Model 15 from 1979. Is this correct?
- MacEntyre
"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." - Ben Franklin
"Politics is the entertainment branch of industry." - Frank Zappa
I think 161xxx is earlier than 1979. Mac, if you took the sideplate off you don't need a gunsmith. Most Smiths know little about DWs and can do more damage than good if they treat it like a S&W. Read the" Average Joe Tuneup " pinned to the top of Gunsmithing I think. Or small frame Revolvers . Dans were designed by Karl Lewis to not need gunsmiths for most repairs. He pioneered drop in parts as opposed to hand fitted. Never file the lockwork or the hardened surface is removed. Wolff reduced power springs and polishing the inside of the frame, sideplate and rubbing surfaces are the way to improve the trigger. Or dry fire it about 10,000 times. You will need a barrel tool. Setting the barrel cylinder gap properly may eliminate the shaving. Cleaning and lightly lubricating the inside and cylinder assembly will work wonders. The gun looks in pretty good shape on my phone. Any parts you may need can usually be found on eBay, some from the factory, or member Snake-eye has a bunch of small parts including most springs,, sideplate screws etc for less than you will pay elsewhere. Full disclosure, I am a Co owner of the parts stash.
Lastly, when ejecting cases tilt the gun to the left and push against the cylinder with you fore and middle fingers through the frame opening to keep the cylinder from closing while the star is extended. You will notice scratches and gouges on the sideplate. Don't make them worse than they are. The cylinder does not open as far as a Smith and there is no cylinder release behind the cylinder to protect the sideplate from the star. The cylinder tends to close easily. And no Bogarting please. Lol.

March 17, 2019

SN is 2208XX. There are two or three in the registry that bracket this number, all indicating 1979.
Ole Dog, you made my day! I have been looking this thing over, wondering if I could fix it. The ejector rod is bent, and it occurred to me that replacing it, adjusting the cyl gap and overhauling springs might, together, eliminate the problems. I will check out the parts stash and get a barrel tool.
After I fix it, I think I'll find a 4" barrel. Thank you!
- MacEntyre
"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." - Ben Franklin
"Politics is the entertainment branch of industry." - Frank Zappa

March 17, 2019

Ole Dog, you are correct! Just read the Avg Joe Instructions... piece o' cake! So I ordered the Shooters Pak from Wolff.
BTW, I was really puzzled by those scratches on the left side. Glad to know what caused 'em. I won't add to that problem.
Thanks again!
- MacEntyre
"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." - Ben Franklin
"Politics is the entertainment branch of industry." - Frank Zappa
Ejector rods are not commonly available .If you cant find one on eBay or the factory is out of stock I can search my parts. Snake-eye probably has none. I am sure the factory has stainless ones.
Be careful about pounding on the ejector rod when trying to remove stuck cases. It can bend the rod but more likely it will dislodge the cylinder stop. It is the nub behind the cylinder on the sideplate. If that happens the cylinder can slide off when you open it. There is a replacement part sold that can be loctited in. I take a pencil with me to the range and use that to knock out stuck cases, being careful to not let it pound the stop. The design flaw was corrected on stainless guns in 1981 and blue guns in 1986 somewhere around serial number 360,000.

DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018

Thank you all for the kind words. I apologize for being absent more lately. I am so busy in the yard I have let gun stuff slide a little. All except Acquisition Syndrome. I really am out of control. I just won but not recieved a perfect 15-2 frame with serial number 370xxx. Improved sideplate and knurled hammer spur. Also a S&W k22 outdoorsman with box, I also recently pressed the BIN on a 500$ 744 with a hooded Bomar front sight and Bomar rear sight. Stole an unfired S&W 632 in 327 FEDERAL, a S&W 547, and picked up a RIA VR60. Maybe by the end of May I will be caught up in the yard and can play with my toys.
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