September 26, 2017

Just bought my first Dan Wesson and have a question, I bought a Guardian in 38 Super is the Guardian barrel bored the same caliber as the 9mm (.355) it just makes sense since they would only have to ream the 9mm chamber to match the 38 Super Case? I'm only thinking of the reloading aspect since I don't plan on competing. Anybody with the tech - smith knowledge - the info would be appreciated I can just slug the barrel when the weapon arrives but always looking to learn ahead of doing extra work that might not be necessary. Sorry if I offended any sensibilities by posting directly to the Gunsmithing without introducing myself.

Dans Club
April 18, 2014

Dont think the 9mm chamber would stand the pressure of the load.
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
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"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to DWF, thanks for posting in New Members. In response to your question, I strongly urge you to ask this question directly to DW in Norwich, specifically to Keith. It's a good question, and it would be best to get DW on record with a specific answer in case of any future issues
.38 Super is a pretty special caliber (I would love to have a .38 Super 1911). My guess is that you might be best served to have a barrel for 9mm fitted to your Guardian rather than reaming the original barrel.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

September 26, 2017

Steve, Thank you for the info, I'm not thinking of using the Guardian as a 9mm but since the only feature of the 38 super that differs from the 9mm is the chamber (the case is longer and has no taper) it made sense to me that Dan Wesson would just take a 9mm barrel and change the chambering to decrease machining. As a point the 3(X) 9mm family all can effectively use the same diameter projectile.
380 ACP, 9x19 "luger", 9x23 are all nominally standardized as being .355
38, 38 Special, 38 Super are all nominally standardized as being .356
.357 Magnum and 357 Sig are nominally standardized as being .357
where it gets weird is I could shoot .357 projectiles loaded in 9mm cases all day long and as long as I watch pressures the only real downside would be POSSIBLE excessive wear on the barrel. So all that being said if the Guardian 9mm and 38 Super were both bored to .355 then I have no need to keep .356 projectiles in the shop since I don't load for wheel guns.
Thanx for the reply, I think I'll like it here, I will retire next year and I think I will be going to gunsmith school as I won't have to earn money at it and I love everything that has to do with my life long obsession with pistols.

September 26, 2017

For all of you - Hi from the new guy well I heard back from a real actual "Smith in Norwich" and got an answer to my question- I posted it under the Gunsmithing thread where it belongs for any of you that are interested- I'll post the results in the Gunsmithing area on this very interesting project pistol!
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