March 2, 2014

I hope my pic comes up, Hi everyone, trying this agian, 1. what do i have? 2. what round can i shoot besides 460 rowland?, 3. shoud i be shooting it? 4. whats it worth? (hope i didnt make a bad purchase) also what barrel tool do i buy so i can clean this thing up? thanks and take it easy on me , im new to this stuff, first revolver..

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Nice pics!
To answer some of your questions:
1.You have a 7460 Rowland First Issue.
2.It'll chamber and fire 45 ACP, .45 ACP+P, .45 Super, .45 Win Magnum, 460 Rowland
and .45 Auto Rimmed. You'll need moon clips.
3.It looks to have been fired so I don't see any harm in shooting it. I'd shoot it if it were mine.
4.I think you made a great purchase. I don't know what you paid, but the last one I heard of sell locally over a year ago brought north of $1500.
Go to the EWKarms website, he is a member here and makes the best tools for the Dan Wesson. Get a large frame barrel tool with a pilot for the 45 caliber.
Welcome to the world of Dan Wesson
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather


January 24, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

March 2, 2014

thank all you guys,
in one day have already got more useful info than i have from other forums in months. thanks for the moon clips tip, are .45acp's the only round i will have to use the moon clips for? have never used 45 win mags? also thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. any advice for removing the little bit of surface rust/grime on the trigger? the guy i bought it off of said it sat in a closet for the last 15 years. He is now remarried to someone who is anti guns, and she knew he has a big shiny gun in his closet and wanted it gone. he stashed his other guns in vents around the house but sold this to me for a price used smith's go for... im embarrassed to tell you... but south of 400$ he said it was too heavy and couldn't find ammo for it.. and it did say smith&wesson.... I bet he would have joined this forum.. last question is , was this gun sold with other barrels? how did it come new? also what is the purpose of the removable barrel? wouldn't you need different cylinder as well as barrel if you changed calibers?
thanks agian

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

This is probably the original configuration for this gun, and the 8 slot barrel is very cool. The removable barrel serves two functions:
1) You can change to a different barrel/shroud length. No changing the caliber except for the ones that will fit into the chamber and function.
2) You can adjust the barrel/cylinder gap for optimum accuracy and velocity. This ability is very much prized by Silhouette shooters, who are managing both the gun and their ammunition to get maximum results. The shroud slots are there to help the gun meet an overall maximum weight requirement.
A 7460 at "south of $400"? Really? Outstanding deal!
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

March 2, 2014

Steve CT said
This is probably the original configuration for this gun, and the 8 slot barrel is very cool. The removable barrel serves two functions:1) You can change to a different barrel/shroud length. No changing the caliber except for the ones that will fit into the chamber and function.
2) You can adjust the barrel/cylinder gap for optimum accuracy and velocity. This ability is very much prized by Silhouette shooters, who are managing both the gun and their ammunition to get maximum results. The shroud slots are there to help the gun meet an overall maximum weight requirement.
A 7460 at "south of $400"? Really? Outstanding deal!
thanks for the info. yes 350 to be exact..

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011


January 24, 2009

chargernmw said
any advice for removing the little bit of surface rust/grime on the trigger?
Some Flitz polish would likely make short work of the rust specks on the trigger. Plus, you can polish the rest of the stainless with it, too...although you may want to take it easy around the factory etched areas.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

What a score! This place is great about sharing info! Now you have to find you a shooter as in 15-2 (357mag) that way you can start small then show of the deal of decade! Thanks for the cool pics! Thanks to the Forum for the quick answers! 10" Light Vent /slotted (with 8 slots) Wow!!!!!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

You may find it easier to locate .45 Win Mag ammo than the Rowland if you want to shoot the largest you can out of this gun. The Win Mag ammo packs a punch too, That is what I usually shoot out of my Rowland.
I think nomination for is an understatement, maybe CEO of all
deals of the future! WOW
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

January 13, 2014

Great find and deal. Cheap .45 auto for plinking, heavier stuff for hunting.
Here's the Rowland ammo: http://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/department.asp?dept=%41%4D%4D%55%4E%49%54%49%4F%4E&dept2=%43%45%4E%54%45%52%46%49%52%45%20%50%49%53%54%4F%4C&dept3=%34%36%30%20%52%4F%57%4C%41%4E%44
And the .45 Win Mag: http://www.venturamunitions.com/load-x-45-winchester-magnum-230gr-tmj-rn-ammo-50-rounds-new/

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

You can find .460 Rowland ammo here:
BTW, you will need moon clips for any of the ammo you choose to shoot from this gun.
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