Just found this site and a DW this past weekend in Tulsa. I had a chance to pick up a brand new DW back in 79 and I had to chose between a Colt Trooper and the Dan, both the same price. I took the Colt that I still have but always wanted a DW. Found three at the Tulsa gun show, this one was the best of the three by far, (nice show BTW) and probably paid more than I should have. It is a model 15.2 with 6" barrel and the vent rib. It is not pristine but nice. Shoots like a dream, wow I can't believe how nice it is. Accurate as heck. Put two cylinders of plated reloads down the pipe at an indoor range at 50 ft from a rest and only two were not in the center back, they were just outside. Now I am hooked. I want to keep my eye open for others and learn more about the different models. Really like the model with the full lug, that is my next goal. I would also be interested in finding a complete set with all of the barrels but that is some serious coin. I have not intentionally looked for DW at gun shows but will now, have only found one that I can recall in the last 7-8 years. See them on GunBroker but wow they are high priced.
As for me, I am a school administrator/teacher. Retired from the public sector but still need to work. Principal at a private Christian School for now. Love to reload and shoot when I have time. Something about revolvers that keeps me coming back to them. Looking forward to learning more on here.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

You will be right at home here. BTW, Carl Lewis , the gun smith and inventor behind Dan Wessons, designed much of the lockwork of the Colt Trooper mk iii. The Trooper and dan wessons are very similar except Colt didn:t want the exchangable barrel concept. Daniel Wesson did. We do too. One of the most desirable features of the dans is not readily apparent, the ability to fix most things on the gun yourself.


January 24, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

DWAS= Dan Wesson Acquisition Syndrome. This frequently and terminally affects some of us, and those so afflicted may become known as a CRA (Corrosion Resistant Aficionado).
Mike (zoommb) is frankly in an advanced stage of both diseases, and may soon require an intervention
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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