January 11, 2012

Howdy everybody. I just found this site while looking for tips on tuning up my .357 Looks like just what the doctor ordered.
I have been enjoying shooting sports since I was kneehigh to a grasshopper and started into reloading somewhere around age 11 or 12 when my dad let me help reload for his .44mag Contender.
I got my first handgun (Interarms Virginian Dragoon) in 1983 and foolishly traded it away for another (S&W 19). I made good on that trade in 1993 when I traded it for a DW model 15 (I believe) with a 6" and 2.5" barrel. One of the best trades I have ever come across.
I have been reloading pretty steadily since the early 90's and have recently started into casting my own (so I can shoot more).
Glad to have found this place and hope to learn lots more about the Dan Wessons. I am also always looking for another, thinking about going for a big-bore next though... something that starts with a .4

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Blacktop said:
If your looking for Big bores you found the right place
My wife often advises me that I'm a "big bore".
Welcome to the Forum. I think you did pretty good on the upgrade from the 19 to a 15-2
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

January 11, 2012

Thanks guys. It is always good to find another "happy place" to park it for a little while when unwinding for the day. Just in the short time I have been lurking here, I have already learned a lot about the different models and how to clean and tune up my 15-2 (yes, it is, contrary to my original claim it was just a model 15 but then you all probably already knew that).
So far for casting, I have been casting .358 158 RFP, .358 160 HP, .401 135 TC, .401 160 RNHP, .401 175 TC, .225 55gr FP, .245 70HP and waiting on a .259 80gr HP and 311041 w/HP (in group buys on another site). All except the .401 175s and 135s are group buy moulds.
Currently loading for the .38/.357, .40S&W, .223Rem, and '06. Will soon be loading for a .250 Savage. All loading in cast. 🙂
Unfortunately, at the moment, all my reloading gear is boxed up, waiting a place to get set up and a little more time to actually load. Fortunately, I still have quite a few loads on hand so I can still go shooting when the opportunities arise. No pics available yet, but as soon as I get things unpacked and rolling again, the pics will get posted.


January 24, 2009

from just a wee bit to the south.
You're still unpacking? Did you find your current abode from across the map, or across the county? hehe Sorry, I'm probably getting slap-happy.
You know, with the lack of snow in the area this year, it's been kind of a nice winter for plinkin' so far. This winter, I've used that old saying of "happiness is a warm gun"...bang,bang,bang...ahhhh, this thing is warm!
We'd love to see some once you get unpacked.
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