November 20, 2018

Well, I'm a rather old guy. I bought my first Dan Wesson back in 1974, (after falling in with a bad crowd of AMMO guys who liked to shoot) I had the box with the different barrels etc.....I was a buck sergeant in the Air Force then, and that set me back a little...however, in 1979 I needed some more money to finally graduate college and I sold it...drat....
But then in 1988 I found another DW 15 with a 4 inch barrel,,,it was kinda beat up, but I could afford it...then in 1992 or so my oldest brother begged me to sell it to him..so I did...
Well, the other day I was in my local gun shop and there was a very nice looking 15-2 6 inch barrel....so I bought the darn thing...Can't wait to get to the range.
I like S&Ws, Dan Wessons, Ruger Blackhawks, and 1911s...I have a very old Ruger No. 1 in 220 Swift that I'm trying to wear out...no luck so far. I hunt deer with a Ruger M77 in 257 Roberts.
My own experience with DW revolvers has always been good...I'm hoping to learn a lot and chew the fat some...
"I don't know if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or imbeciles who mean it."-Mark Twain

November 20, 2018

I sure had some good times in Wisconsin....Fort McCoy, Volk Field, and the Dells in the late 80s,,,but I had some great weekends around West Allis with some friends back in the early 70s..Bowling and beer...
"I don't know if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or imbeciles who mean it."-Mark Twain
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