DWF Supporters
April 14, 2018

I bought a Dan Wesson 15-2 standard pistol pack at a gun show about a month ago bringing it out of the status of a gun safe queen to a shooter. It wasn't pristine so I don't feel too bad. I had been looking for a Colt Python but the prices are crazy and there were a lot of Pythons there, maybe 20 or so. I saw one Dan Wesson total and decided to buy it. I cleaned it, (it was gummy) tuned it up using suggestions from this forum, and with the 8" barrel proceeded to shoot a 4" group at 20 yards standing. Who needs a Python?
I have since purchased another 15-2 frame, no barrel, that came damaged. The ejector rod was bent in shipping and am awaiting a replacement that should arrive any day. I also have purchased 8" and 6" heavy vented barrels and found that you can shoot an 8" heavy in .357 all day long as long as your back holds out.
I am a shooter that has participated in .22 pistol and rifle, sporting clays (I'm not very good here), and high power rifle. I was thinking of silhouette shooting but the sport is dying out possibly due to the introduction of the 15" Dan Wesson barrels and shooting from the positions on your back. Not really a hunting posture.


Dans Club

DWF Supporters
February 4, 2017

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