July 17, 2009

Hi folks, name is Petrov. Im 26 and a US citizen, was born in the fromer Soviet Union.
Been a semi-auto guy all my life, revolvers did not appeal to me untill I ran into dan wessons.
I recently aquired almost new 15-2 8" full legth underlug, it was fired once at most. I still have the original receipt from 1980's for it.
I like it allot , but I can not bring myself to shoot it, its too damn pretty.
I recently aquired a .22lr traget revolver with a 6" barrel blued.
I really like the DA triggers on Dan Wessons. Since my CCW peice is DA/SA I learned allot about trigger prep and control. Dan wesson revolvers are a great teaching tool.
The bluing on my revolvers is amazing, but I wipe it down with CLP and a lint free cotton rag and it leaves these odd looking rainbow colored streaks/swirls. Any suggestions on what to do about that?
So far I have been shooting my revolver like my semi-auto. Support hand thumb under trigger hand thumb, both pointing forward.
Oh also, can some one point me in a direction for grips? Im left handed so the current grips are not too comfortable.


January 24, 2009

Petrov said:
The bluing on my revolvers is amazing, but I wipe it down with CLP and a lint free cotton rag and it leaves these odd looking rainbow colored streaks/swirls. Any suggestions on what to do about that?
Wax. I wax my blued guns with Mothers carnuba wax & a super soft microfiber cloth. It works really well.
Grips are readily available on Gun Broker, Ebay & other similar sites. Just make sure you get one designed for a small frame DW, with a square tang. Round tangs are large frames.
Regarding your shooting hold, your style is fine, as long as the end of your thumb isn't near the front of the cylinder. The blast between the cylinder & barrel can do serious damage...I've even seen pics of severed thumbs.
I prefer to hold revolvers with the supporting hand under the grip, or like this...

April 25, 2008

Welcome Petrov!
Nice gun...I have a 15-2 also that is a special edition silhouette gun. It also is too pretty to shoot, but I do anyway. That is the joy in having them, I like to shoot.
I keep my guns dry of oil on the outside after I clean them, then use a silicone rag to wipe them down. The wax is also a great idea.
The Savantist
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