March 22, 2017

I'm a new member here. I'm a gun nut. I inherited what I believe is a DW Model 15-2 6V, from my father, in 1985. I reluctantly sold it about 1994. I am also a car nut. I have a '64 GTO that I've owned since I was 17. Well, the 4-speed busted on it. I needed money to fix it. So, I sold the gun to a friend. I had been kicking myself for it ever since. I recently asked the friend to get the model number off of it so I could buy the same kind. He ended up giving it back to me! I'm VERY happy to have it back! I've bragged my whole life about how accurate this gun is. I'm taking it out to shoot this weekend. Can't wait to send some down range! I also have a collection of various other handguns, rifles, and shotguns. I own a 27 acre piece of recreational property. My close friend owns 27 acres adjoining it. I've set up a pretty nice permanent gun range. My buddies and I shoot quite a bit. Thanks, Jeff

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Welcome to the forum! A 64 Goat AND your dad's Dan back, lucky guy! Sounds like you have a great set up to shhot anytime the mood strikes you, congrats.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

JSchmitz said
My serial number is 641xx. May I ask what year this would indicate? Should I start a thread with this question?
Looks like 1976-77.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

February 16, 2016

JSchmitz said
My serial number is 641xx. May I ask what year this would indicate? Should I start a thread with this question?
Naw, you're good asking your question in your intro thread and nice Goat by the way. Somebody will be along shortly to give you an approximate manufacturing date.
Jeff !

February 16, 2016

In the meantime, here is a link to our Serial Number Registry, so you can look around for yourself;


Dans Club

DWF Supporters
February 4, 2017

Welcome aboard! I've only been here a little while but found everybody to be really helpful.
It's really something great to have a buddy like that!
My girlfriend had a 68 GTO that wasn't running too well. It had been a gift to her. She sold it to her brother-in-law for $100 and he entered it in a demolition derby and trashed it.
I can understand a move like that from a young woman...but he needed real help!!

March 22, 2017

"It’s really something great to have a buddy like that!"
It is!
"My girlfriend had a 68 GTO that wasn’t running too well. It had been a gift to her. She sold it to her brother-in-law for $100 and he entered it in a demolition derby and trashed it.
I can understand a move like that from a young woman…but he needed real help!!"
Stupidity has killed a lot of muscle cars! It killed my first one. Yes, it was me.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

JSchmitz said
Thanks for the compliments and information.I would have guessed the year to be around 1977. I think my dad was the second owner. He bought it from a good friend of his.
Moderator: Can you correct my typo in the title? Change Memeber to Member please!
There, fixed it for 'ya.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Gud 2 C thet Cris gut et fixitated fer youse
Sorry, I could not help myself. I was feeling frisky and did my best to come up with as many errors as possible on my reply, Jim Beam and I had to override a lot of spell checks.
Welcome to Dan Wesson Forum
PS, this one made it "Still Fun", thanks for indulging me
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

March 22, 2017

Steve said
Gud 2 C thet Cris gut et fixitated fer youseSorry, I could not help myself. I was feeling frisky and did my best to come up with as many errors as possible on my reply, Jim Beam and I had to override a lot of spell checks.
Welcome to Dan Wesson Forum
PS, this one made it "Still Fun", thanks for indulging me
That's it! I'm outa here!
Thanks for all the welcomes and compliments (Except Steve)!
I think your gun may date from a little earlier. 1975 or 76. 15-2s started with serial number 50,000 and they had the early target grips like yours that date to the earliest Dans. They also did not yet have interchangable front sights with colored ramps. It seems the 15-2 was designed and produced earlier than we had previously believed. I think they started making them in 1974 or a year earlier and were selling porkchop models also until they ran out of them. I am of the unfounded opinion that they dumped the last 20,000 models 14 and 15 on High Standard to sell as Sentinel MK II and III. That is one reason High Standard never had extra Barrel Assemblies. This is pure conjecture.
I had several ambitions back in the mid sixties. I craved a GTO, a Norton motorcycle, a 14 ft Donzi deep V with a Boss 302, and a wife and family. The only one I got was the wife and family, finally.
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