April 3, 2015

Well, thank you very much all. So it probably really is I F P, rather than T F P..???? That's sure what it looks like.
So, it was sold only to IHMSA members?? So who ever got this originally decided to get rid of it,,,Don't know how many subsequent owners it's had?
The case is in fairly rough shape,,,, the gun, itself,, clean, bright and shiney. All the barrels look nice, No belt buckle, however, there is a patch..
Haven't shot it yet,,, Originally bought it to use as a carry gun because my old 38 is pretty worn. Always like revolvers,
'Pull trigger, gun goes bang"
The Field Pistol packs come with two 8"VH slotted barrel assemblies. One is drilled and tapped for a Burris scope mount and rings. The scope mount box, tool and patch complete the pack. If you have more BA's they are extra. If you are considering using it for a carry gun I suspect you have a 21/2" or 4" also. Your pack is quite valuable by the way. Carrying it may be detrimental to the finish.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Onefreetexan said
The case is in fairly rough shape,,,, the gun, itself,, clean, bright and shiney. All the barrels look nice, No belt buckle, however, there is a patch..
Glad to have you here! Pic or no pic, no big deal- we just like to oogle.. I hope you recover the pac if you lost it.
The case didn't look that bad from the pics I saw, though I think the sticker might have been a reproduction. You could sell the 4" barrel, if you wish, but it's one of my favorites on the Dans. The two 8" barrels were original to the IFP Pac.
Best Regards,
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

April 3, 2015

Thanks ole dog, it does have two 8" barrels, one has the scope rings attached. The third barrel is a 4" one.
I bought the gun to carry. I had been looking at Taurus',, Colt's and S&W, however, the Dan Wesson is probably the best revolver made,, so why shouldn't I carry it? My current carry is a 38 special, 'no brand' that I have literally worn out. I shoot my carry gun daily, to keep in practice. Doubt that I would ever sell the DW, would like to change the grip and find a 2 2/2" barrel for it.
How valuable is my pac?
rwsem............ the patch looks original, it is a cloth embroidered patch.
Carry away. I doubt you will wear a dan out and if you do the are easy to fix. The extra BA would go for over $300. The 8" slotted shrouds for over 400 each. I paid 2000 for my NOS pack and think I got a deal. I'm not trying to tell you what to do but I would buy a 357 shooter and be able to use easy to find 357 and 38 spec. If you reload though the 32 mag becomes economical and can approach 357 power. Yes , change the grip. Like you change your shoes. Tons on ebay. Get one for every occassion. My favorites are the smooth targets and the round butt conceal grip with the 21/2"barrel. LB can make one to fit your hand in any style you like. By the way , I think you may already have Dan Wesson Acquisition Syndrome. Most of us do.

April 3, 2015

Thanks ole dog,,, yes, I do reload, so no problem there. I see grips are available, LB has some really nice ones. Now as to the barrel,,,, anybody want to trade a 2 1/2" one for one of my 8''s?? How am I going to find a 2 1/2"?? Guess I'd just better get another revolver for carry,,, I do like 38 special. what to do, what to do??
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