December 20, 2017

Just traded for a DW 44 Mag with 8" and 4" barrels. I've always loved/wanted DW revolvers and this one might be my new favorite handgun.
I am finding that I have a lot to learn about the DW platform and excited to find there's a great community for them. I'll make a follow-up post in another area, but if anyone can tell me a good place to find DW parts (particularly looking for a 6" barrel and a Pachmayr grip), I'd appreciate it!
One other question in case a silhouette shooter happens to read this: I understand the DW 44 was a favorite for IHMSA. Was the 8" or 10" barrel usually more sought-after in those circles?


DWF Supporters
June 11, 2016

If you are looking for just the barrel and not the complete assemble with the shroud you can check out EWK ARMS the link is to the right on the forum page. Complete assemblies can be bought at CZ but are laser etched not roll stamped http://shop.cz-usa.com/dw-products/revolver/barrels-shrouds/44-magnum. Also there is always E-Bay that sell both. Good-Luck
Welcome from Wisconsin!

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

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