November 5, 2010

hello everyone, just signed on. Dont shoot my handguns much, But i have a bunch of DW's and have always loved them. I modified one to shoot 256 win mag, thus my screen name...that was a nice project. the gun lends itself to modifcation..
it can be converted back to 357 mag in about 2 minutes!!!
got a .22 IHMSA silhouette 10" VH single shot in SS
a 740 8" slotted shroud silhouette gun
a 8" VH 715 with a leopold scope
and my first handgun a 15-2 6"v, that has been converted as i mentioned. with four barrles up to 10"
hope to get involved now and then

Range Officer

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Dans Club
February 28, 2009

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November 17, 2008


January 24, 2009

November 5, 2010

hey guys, I probably did it thinking the brass is almost the same..the extractor wouldnt need any modifications..the head space is all the same… I am trying to remember all the details. I havent seen the gun in about 5 years!! when I moved to NY , I left all my handguns at a friends house…and now 16 years later, i still havent got around to getting a NY pistol permit. I have a CT permit..so i can go to his house and pick them up and shoot if i wanted, just cant bring them nto NY yet.
I am pretty sure I used the same extractor in both cylinders. i made a new cylinder out of 4140 tool steel. it is unfluted, I bought the chamber reamer and started all the holes in a Jig Bore at work and finnished with the reamer.. i think i used a rougher and a finnisher.
most of the hard work was getting the gun straightened out…the cylinder was out of time a little.. so i plugged the chamber bore from the barrel with a custom made pin so they were perfectly in line and then i went and cut the notch in the factory cylinder right through the frame and i did this with each cylinder…so i made the locking spot match with the chamber bore looking right into the barrel bore.. then i made a cylinder stop ( obviously a little wider than before) I also rebuilt the crane( wasnt square and it was a little small on the OD) so there was no slop at all…
so everything fit snugly and it all lined up perfectly. then I made the new cylinder to the same specs..
I bought a .25 caliber barrel and cut it up to fit my custom made shrouds…I have only used cast bullets the jacketed bullets that are short enough are all made for the .25 auto, and unsuitable…the cast bullets were the best fit… I am a tool maker by trade and I am only interested in accurate pistols and rifles… I built two complete bolt action pistols for silhouette shooting. i built the actions from bar stock. I bought the triggers and . made the stocks myself as well. one in .22 lr, and one in 7 BR. they both shoot like a house of fire the 7BR shoots .5" at 100 yards for 3 shots!! the DW 256 probably only shot about an inch at 25 yards, because i was stuck at the time working up cast bullet loads.
Ill get over to my buddies and get some digital pixs, soon…
hope it isnt rusted…the cylinder was never blued….but polished , hardened metal resists rust pretty good
thanks for the welcome
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