January 25, 2021

hello i am tnron . just joined the group . i am from baxter tennessee . and since i get asked all the time . the tornado was 4 miles from me . heard it when it come over my house . it touched down 4 miles away . i finally got my first dan a few days ago . a 15-2 vh8 . in great shape . might have over paid at 640 bucks . but right now everything is high . shoots great from the few test rounds i put through it . only some 38 special +p reloads i had . could only find one box of 50 357 magnums and i'm not going to pay 100 bucks for them ! this is also my first 357 magnum . been more of a 44 magnum guy .and 500 sw mag too . all my 38 cal guns are chambered in 38 special . so sadly no 357 brass . glad to be here .

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Welcome, you got a good deal in a rapidly rising market. Ammo is another story. I fortunitly bought 1000 357 soft point 2 months ago and the price is now twice what it was then. Ammo will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no ammo. Lol. Paraphrasing Mr Natural.
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