February 20, 2023

Just joined up hailing from Michigan. Long time shooter/reloader. Like some I phase in and out of shooting depending on what life has going on. Lots of semi auto pistol (1911) shooting in my younger days and currently prefer the slower pace of revolvers and bolt actions. Done alot of 1000yd before COViD and the great primer shortage. Finally able to get back at it without concern over replacement.
Anyway bought my first DW a few weeks back due to right place right time. Was always one of those pistols I would read about in the gun mags but never bought. Finally able to cross it off the list.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

February 20, 2023

Ole Dog said
Welcome to the forum. Beware the uncontrollable urge to acquire more and more Dan Wesson revolvers. We call it Dan Wesson Acquisition Syndrome, or DWAS for short. Whatever you do, DONT use Gunbroker.com unless you have lots of financial resources.
Thanks Ole Dog, in general I suffer from the firearms acquisition syndrome. Happen to be old revolver guy by chance?
Old revolver guy on Gunbroker who has been bidding on a, lot of stuff? Nah! I am Mr.Man. on GB. My wife set up the account and named me when I first discovered Gunbroker. I've got several hundred more transactions then old revolver guy. And I may be old for a dog but I am a young old human of 72. I DO have a bunch of revolvers though.
My DWAS seems to be in somewhat of a remission lately. My fifth Registered Magnum seems to have satiated me for a while. I am currently bargain shopping and bargains are scarce these days. I did steal a S&W TRR8 the other day though. My third one. They are fabulous Revolvers. 8 rds of 357, cut for moon clips, shrouded barrel, scandium framed, detachable rails top and bottom, gold bead front sight.

February 20, 2023

Nice adds! Registers are a unicorn to me that mythical creature your hear of but never see.
I figured it was a stretch but he seems to have good taste and thought it might be you HAHA. I have officially become a revolver guy and feel the need to quickly supplement my semi autos and strangely have went more the SA route.I keep telling my wife I have to buy now before prices go up! Fortunately she doesn’t give me any grief about it.
My recents are the DW, Colt 2000s vintage SAA 45, Ruger single six convertible c1974 and 357/38-9mm Blackhawk convertible c1975. I sure wished DWs could be had in 9mm (but would probably be way outta my budget) like the 986 smith (which is on my list)
and 72 ain’t old I figure that classification comes after 90.
Your wife is a keeper! 👍. The only SA I own is a Ruger 357 max. Stole it from a pawn shop, they didn't realize it was a max. Even though Snake-eye swears by SAA, I want the DA option. Although Mark SAA says a SA can shoot faster in a trained hand. I have several 9mm DW cylinders and a 9mm 15-2 I acquired. I also have 9mm Manurhins, Charter Arms, RIAs, and several S&W 547s. They are fabulous. One day I will acquire a Rhino in 9mm. They are just SO UGLY. And maybe a S&W 940 is in my future. There is also something called 356 TSW. S&W made a very small number of 940s chambered in 356TSW. There is also a 9mm Korth in my future perhaps.

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

February 20, 2023

Ole Dog said
Your wife is a keeper! 👍. The only SA I own is a Ruger 357 max. Stole it from a pawn shop, they didn't realize it was a max. Even though Snake-eye swears by SAA, I want the DA option. Although Mark SAA says a SA can shoot faster in a trained hand. I have several 9mm DW cylinders and a 9mm 15-2 I acquired. I also have 9mm Manurhins, Charter Arms, RIAs, and several S&W 547s. They are fabulous. One day I will acquire a Rhino in 9mm. They are just SO UGLY. And maybe a S&W 940 is in my future. There is also something called 356 TSW. S&W made a very small number of 940s chambered in 356TSW. There is also a 9mm Korth in my future perhaps.
I put a vote in for you to build that DW 9mm. Talk about a unique and fun item. I would definitely appreciate some pictures if you have some extra time.
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