July 15, 2014

Just wanted to say hi and have a couple of questions. I have a 744 with 4,6,8 and 10 inch heavy shroud barrels. Do they make any other barrel and heavy shroud configuration? I bought it in the eighties and only shot it twice with the 8 inch barrel. I had the pistol and shrouds polished mirror bright and it's been sitting in my safe for almost 30 years. Do they make a pistol pac case for it? I would like to get a complete outfit as I am planning to give it to my son. Also I have a model 15 I bought used in the eighties with a 8 inch vented barrel made in monson. How can I find the manufacturing date? I had it refinished in the early eighties by Dan Wesson but never asked themwhen it was made. Anyone sells barrel and shrouds for it?
thanks for any help and info
RR, welcome at long last to the forum. Your son is a lucky man. A polished 744 with all four barrels is quite a rare treasure. The factory did not make any other lengths in vent heavy configuration unless a 3" or 21/2" was custom made years ago with the same roll mark. EWK makes the shorter barrels occassionally but the roll mark would not match. DW also made the standard vent barrels in the four lengths. They can be found occassionally on ebay , Gunbroker or other auction sites.I don't know if the large frame with four barrels would fit in a modified pistol pack case. A Haliburton case would work. The serial number registry would give you a ballpark idea of the manufacture date of your model 15 or tell us the number and someone will look it up. Barrels and shrouds can be found on ebay and Gunbroker but be prepared for sticker shock. If you have a porkchop 15 you will have a longer search than if it is a 15-2.


January 24, 2009

to the
I agree, getting all those barrels and the gun into a factory DW case will be a tight fit. You can find factory DW cases frequently on the gun auction sites or Ebay, nice examples will usually run in the $100-150 range. I have made some of my own custom Pac cases using American Tourister briefcases. Fitting four barrels would be tight, but could be done. To give you a size idea, this one is a Supermag wearing an 8" barrel, with spare 6 & 8" assemblies.
This is a 44 with a 10" barrel in the same size case...the extra two inches does take up more room in there & maxes out the space available. The extra is an 8" compensated assembly.

July 15, 2014

Thanks for the warm welcome and all the information. The Dan wesson is not the pork chop style but a vented 8" blued. The serial number is: 2228XX bought it used in 1982 it says monson on it. I only shot 38 specials as it was a target gun. It does shoot better than my python or my 686 or 27 so I'll probably keep it and give the others to my sons. I think I would like a vent heavy 4 inch barrel so I'll start hunting for one. Thanks again for the help
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